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aitroc21056 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, TROCADILHO, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 2021.DiálogoLeonard Cohen.Leopard Cohen.Leonard Poem.What is coming / ten million people / in the street / carrot stop.
mi10en ILUSTRAÇÃO MAFALDA, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLOR.DiálogoMafalda: And these rights must be respected, eh? Look what happened to the then commandments!
1854en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1854, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Let go or elso.Boy: I won't! I was here first!Susanita: You may be first, but I'm a woman!Boy: Woaman! So what?Susanita: What d'you mean "so what", degenerate! Are you out-swinging mothers, wives, brides, sisters...
1888en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1888, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: As in a washing machine workung hard to clean. The suds os my joy will be my life's toy. I'll have a good man who'll bring home the ham/ we'll be together forever and ever. What do you know about poetry, bunch os savages!!
1868en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1868, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Tomorrow what will be best for us? Will we have to beware of that boy because of something, of that other, because of some trouble, of yhe next because he is that, and so on? Or just somke boyfriends as they come, no filter?
1900en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1900, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Cowboys, we always play cowboys. Why not play pirates?Manolito: That's it! We were members of the board and voted a 55% increase in interests on mortgages. So what pirates?
1882en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1882, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: What a face! What happened?Miguelito: I've got a problem.Libertad: A problem? You can't be so out of touch, Miguelito. People now have hundreds of problems. And if you really want to get anywhere you better find some, let's say six, or maybe five problems, at least. But just one lonely problem, alone there. That's embarrassing!
1841en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1841, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Looking at the sky last night I decided: there are many more stars than needed.Mafalda: Needed for what?
1899en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1899, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Poor thing, in prison!Mafalda: Well... He has to pay for his crimes, Guille.Guille: What did he do?Mafalda: He perpetrated birth in current times with premeditated intent to commit childhood in an urban environment.
1903en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1903, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: The stupid vertebrates are animals with internal skeletons, bones and cartilage. That includes the blasted skull, the spine and annexes! The stupid dorsal nervous system from the brain to the spinal chord.Mafalda: What on earth is going on, Miguelito?Miguelito: Nothing, just that studying lessons makes me so angry that if I don't let off stem I can't study.
1810en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1810, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: What you looking at? We live in a country with religious freedom, don't we?
1795en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1795, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Libertad, it's upside down!Libertad: Dowm as regards what? Earth is in space, space does not have a top or bottom. That the Northern hemisphere is up there is a psychological trick made by those who think they are above, so that those who think we are down below continue to be down. And the thing is that if we go on thinking we are down we will stay down. But from now, that's finished.Mama: Where were you Mafalda?Mafalda: Not sure, but something that just finished.
1805en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1805, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Travelling at high speed along avenue block early yesterday morning a car driven by a man and with one passenger on board, plate number a... If cars want to commit suicide, so be it. What I don't understand is why they do it wirh people inside.
1726en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1726, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: What you watching, Mafalda?Mafalda: The fight.Papa: But it's a sopa show! What fight?Mafalda: The scripwriter's. It's exciting to see how the scriptwriter has struggled to avoid being caught in the trap of intelligence.
1705en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1705, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusantia: I have a doubt about the tense of a verb. Can I check your book.Mafalda: Sure, come.Susanita: Let's see: I love me, you love me, he loves me, we love... see? It's missing!Mafalda: What's missing?Susanita: We love me.Mafalda: Susanita, that doesn't exist!Susanita: Why doesn't "we love me" exist!?Mafalda: Look, see it doesn't?Susanita: What I see is that whoever made the verbs was great at grammar, but useless at self-centerendness!
1723en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1723, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Politicans spend their lives depending on each other. They get together, fight, split and get together again... If that isn't love what is.
1746en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1746, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: Just a thought, the man downstairs used to have a job.Mafalda: So what happened?Libertad: Well, as his wage was not enough to live on, he had to find a second job, but then he ran out of time and was always late at both jobs. And if he got the sack from one, he could not live on one job alone. To keep both jobs he had from the new job he had to find when he had only one job he could not live on. So now he has to live on the wage of the first job, bu, of course, with the car he can arrive on time at both jobs.
1711en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1711, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: What speed do flies reach?Mafalda: Don't you think matters are such that we should worry about more important things?Miguelito: If a laborer breaks his back working seventeen hours a day, how many miles will a fly cover in that time?
1773en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1773, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: The worst thing is that the final indecision made me forget what I had to decide.
1686en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1686, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: C'mon, Felipe! Look on the bright side of starting school! Think of finding old friends, or how good it is to make new ones and the joy of recess.Felipe: Yes, of course... What? You had all that written down?Miguelito: Oh, yes, and think of the trouble I took. Spent all morning trying to find those three stupid arguments!
1610en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1610, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Long live, the doctor, VIVA! Thank you! Thank you! It's not just a matter of demolishing walls but of knowing what to do with the rubble! What should I do with this, Mama!
1669en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1669, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman: Yeh, fine, but what diet really makes you lose weight?Mafalda: I know a good one but best not to spoil summer thinking politics.
1635en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1635, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: What's up? What' you looking at?Mafalda: The sky, Manolito.Manolito: Why? What is there?Mafalda: Nothing, simply that it's nice to look at the sky.Manolito: Ok, but apart from a rather blue way of wasting time, what's nice about it?
1578en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1578, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tell me, papa, in the films that under-18s are not allowed to see...Papa: Yes, what?Mafalda: No, forget it. Too complicated, I think I better ask somebody at school.
1599en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1599, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: I am appreciated by those who know me for what I have inside.
1582en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1582, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: What I see as wrong is that a few have a lot, many have a little and some have nothing. If those some who have nothing had a bit of the little that many have and if the many who have a little had something of the lot of the few who have a lot, there would be less turmoil. But nobody does much, let's say they do nothing, to improve a little something so simple.
1569en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1569, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: As I was driving home something in the car started doing tick-tick-tick. What could it be?Mama: Maybe it was just your idea. Don't worry about it.Papa: Worry? Of course not. It sounded like tick-tick-tick. Bsssmnzlppsss tick-tick-tick.
1560en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1560, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan: What are you needing, m'boy?Miguelito: Weeell, I mean no, got no money!Man: Yes, I understand...Miguelito: Well, understanding produces fewer cavities than candy.
1460en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1460, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: D'you know? I'm worried, Susanita. What happe...Susanita: Oh, no, Miguelito. I'm a friend of your, not of your worries. I have no love for your problems but for you, all my love is for you!Miguelito: Oh! Thank you? Susanita! Thank you?
1459en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1459, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: Hi! I've come to play! Can I stay to play?Mafalda: Of course, come in.Libertad: I would really like to play! What shall we play, eh? Think! Think of something!Mafalda: I know! Tongue twisters...! Say this, "Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers...". Can you say that?Libertad: I don't know why Peter pipper picked peppers. I came to have fun not to be treated as ignorant!
1504en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1504, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Greetings! Here comes the new Miguelito! I was tired of being what I was, so I decided to stage a coup detat and overthrow my old personality.Mafalda: That means we'll have to endure what from you?
1518en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1518, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Mama, when you were little did you have friends like I do, like Felipe, Susanita, Manolito, Miguelito and Libertad?Mama: Of course.Mafalda: What happened? Didi you have a fight or something?Mama: No, it so happened life just took us along different roads.Mafalda: Aaah. And who does life think it is to do such horrible things to people?
1530en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1530, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: The North Americans had no tight to do that to us!Mafalda: That what, Susanita?Susanita: Like making friends with the Chinese. Weren't we told to beware of the Chinese? Wasn't it the yellow peril this and the yellow peril that? Who do the North Americans thing they are to come and take away our right to be afraid.
1433en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1433, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Oy, oy, oy! Look who's there! "Hi, I always see you come by. What's your name?" "I'm Felipe, and yoou?". Not a word, what a coward she is!
1308en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1308, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Pssst! Any moment now mother always asks what we want for supper.Papa: So?Mafalda: And every day we tell her: -"Don't know anything'll be fine" - "Whatever is less work" - "I said I don't know; something simple, simple, I don't know"...Papa: Yeh, that's right.Mama: What d'you want for sup...? Cowards!
1290en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1290, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman: Ricky, don't wet your feet, love. You might get ill! Ricky, drop that shell. Who knows what germs it might have, dear. Ricky, put your hat on, sweet. Sun's very strong!Mafalda: It's well known a mother is everything. What is not said is how much of everything a mother can get to be.
1314en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1314, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What bringest thou? Away! Remove your vile beverage!Mama: As thou pleases, God will! For it is not me who will suffer infirmity.Mafalda: Is she secretly seeing a shrink?
1318en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1318, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: I'm bored. Let's go visit Miguelito?Mafalda: Let's, but... Don't know! I saw him a while back and he said that he got up feeling pedantic, that he was annoyed to feel that way, but can't avoid it.Susanita: Maybe he's got over it, who knows...Mafalda: Hi, Miguelito, how're you?Miguelito: Convinced what a blow to humanity! Had I not been born...
1351en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1351, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: At last he's asleep!Mafalda: Hurry, now!Mama: Poor little angel! It makes me feel!Papa: And if he wakes and asks?Mama: What a mess, poor thing!Mama: Well, let's hope not.Papa: Here's the theater's phone number. Call if necessary.Mafalda: Ok, bye. Hope you enjoy the show.Guille: Oh, weren't you going with them?
1300en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1300, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan: Look, it's not about what he owes me. He can have it! When I loaned it I knew it was money lost!Manolito: It takes all sorts in God's little supermarket!
1370en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1370, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: Hi, ma? I'm staying for tea with Mafalda. Yes, I was invited. But just for a glass of milk... What? Listen! No! Oh, all right, I'll call her!Mafalda: Hello, mrs? Don't be like that let Libertad say and... Eh? With my mama? Ok, just a minute.Mama: Oh, of course not. It's no trouble at all. It's a pleasure really!Libertad: All that bureaucracy; My appetite is so pure and simple!
1169en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1169, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Here comes commander Neil Armstrong traveling throungh space? Nasa has sent him on a special mission to bring back lunar soil samples. Mirning, my mother whats a pack of butter. Here is commander Neil Armstrong determined not to return the chanfe to nasa which makes him sick of special missions.
1206en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1206, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: Go on in, fancy making me look ridiculous like that! To call the lady tight fist after she gave you a biscuit. What did you want? The whole packet?Mafalda: Well, poor boy, he saw the woman had a whole packet, and she have him only one! What can you expect? It's as if Dracula had been contemplating a fat guy and then had to make do with a mosquito!
1192en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1192, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Look what the teacher wrote in my book.Mafalda: Felipe: conscientious students like you have a life ahead of them filled with concern for study and duty! Go forward!Felipe: It's the worst bit of joy I've ever had!
1216en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1216, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: This morning I argued with my mother and I just got away before she could slap me you know where. But then I saw she was busy and I went, swiiiish! Passed by her side!Mafalda: What did she do?Manolito: In football it's called "seeing the goal"!
1200en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1200, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: What a picture! If we go on with this mix we'll have women thinking like men and men like women!Susanita: Well said, Manolito! I'm glad you think the same as me. Manolito, hey, Manolito? Manolito, Manolito...
1208en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1208, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: You're wrong, Felipe, I'm not a pessimist critic of humanity. And I quite understand what you say: that each of us contributes our grain of sand, however small. What I don't understand is that habit of flicking it into another's eye.
1181en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1181, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: The monocotyedons have leaves with no stems and the petals and stigma are arranged in groups of three. The monocotyledons have leaves with no stems and the petals and stigma are arranged in groups of there. The monocoty... GOOOOAAAAL! The mocostemsting... No, the monocopetal... No, no! Let's see. The motido... Oh, dear, what was it? The mono...
1156en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1156, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: See? That's what I'd like to be, president of the republic! Woyldn't you?Mafalda: Mmmmh... Nnno, it's something very complecated, Miguelito.Miguelito: Well, not really the president-president, let's say... Something similar, eh?Mafalda: Even less! That's too trite, Miguelito!
1116en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1116, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tell me, papa. When you were little weren't you sometimes sich of school?Papa: What d'you mean? Of school?Mafalda: Yes, school and teacher and the sums!Papa: Sums!Mafalda: And sen....Papa: Tenses, yes, and the maps, and geometry, and dictations and... She started.
1016en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1016, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tell me, papa, were things better than now in your days?Papa: Welll. There were fewer nuclear weapons, less subversion, fewer race riots... What can I say?Mafalda: I wanted you to say that these are your days, but I see you are half finished!
0910en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0910, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: What do you think I should do so people notice that one is a great guy?Manolito: Look, Miguelito: what you need to do is just think you're a great guy... Because if they realize you are, you're dead.
0764en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0764, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman 1: The market is full of thieves who charge you as they wish. That's what!Woman 2: Ha! And those who cheat with the weight? 'Cause there are also those who cheat with the weight.Manolito: Lies!!!!!
0740en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0740, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Hi, Miguelito. Why are you so cheerful?Miguelito: I'm going to collect soil, then I'll add water and play with the mud! By the way, may I ask you something?Mafalda and Susanita: What?Miguelito: If we meet again, remember me as I am now, in my original version.
0746en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0746, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: Leading ceo leaves on business. What a life!
0747en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0747, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Instead of doing my homework, I've spent the whole day reading comics... this must stop! I can't be so weak-willed. No, sir! What am I? A man or a mouse?
0742en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0742, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Mama, at what age is one old?Mama: It depends, Mafalda. It's not so much a matter of years, as keeping your spirit young.Mafalda: All right, but the spirit, at what age does it start needing make-up?
0876en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0876, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Why does your mother wear glasses?Mafalda: The optican ordered them.Miguelito: Why?Mafalda: So she could see well.Miguelito: See what well?Mafalda: How do you mean what? Everything!Miguelito: Ah! Was your mother such a pessimist?
0860en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0860, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Good! "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today". I'll start tomorrow!
0867en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0867, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Look, Felipe, on this single sheet of newspaper you have the two opposite faces of life. On the one side, this doctor who works for mankind. On the other, this criminal. What d'you say?Felipe: Life should be printed on one side only.
0864en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0864, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoAunt: Oh, Mafalda, what a sweet friend you have! Tell me, little girls, who do you love most? Your mama or your papa?Susanita: Ahem... both the same.Aunt: What a little treasure!
0853en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0853, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan 1: These days we have no real men, Don Aurelio. That's why things are like they are!Man 2: Terrible!Man 1: Those thinkers! Those statesmen of our day! They were domething else! But these days...! What future is there for the world in the hands of these amateurs?Man 2: That's right! What future?Mafalda: What's wrong with the old is they are looking at the future from the back of their necks.
0817en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0817, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: So what happens? One leads a life, or life pushes you along?
0793en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0793, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: I can see you now, when you grow up and head your chain of supermarkets, Manolito.Manolito: My fabulous chain of supermarkets!!Mafalda: You'll have many employees.Manolito: Hundresa and hundreds of employees!!Mafalda: They'll all work happily because you'll pay good wages.Manolito: I'll pay fabulous wages!! Now look what you make me say!!!!
0715en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0715, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: Yooohoo!Mafalda: What is it, papa? What have you brought? Oh! A monument to the international situation?
0707en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0707, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: What are you supposed to be?Mafalda: Liberty! Lighting the world with its blasing. 15 watts.
0704en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0704, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: What are you going to do, Mafalda.Mafalda: Play at liberty. Felipe: Liberty? How?Mafalda: Like this. With a burnt out bulb in the right hand and a story book in the other.
0667en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0667, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: When you were little, did you get worried before you went back school?Papa: Worried, me. What makes you think that? Ha! Me, worried!Radio: "...back to school all over the country..."Papa: Well, why don't you just go out and play for a while.
0636en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0636, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: You'll see, Manolito. Y'see. I told you. It rubs off! There it is. Our planet, our good old earth, our much vaunted world, rubs off. What do you say?Manolito: We have to put up with it like that, who knows when the guarentee ran out.
0651en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0651, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: So, Mafalda, what do you think?Mafalda: My god. This is so beatiful that men are going to find it difficult to ruin.
0648en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0648, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It's a shame mama is sleeping, Papa. She's missing all these lovely things. Fields and fields! And cows! Oh! And those poor people! What a miserable little shack!Man: "Picturesque", little girl, "picturesque".
0643en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0643, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Let's talk about vacations, Mafalda! I love to talk about going on holiday! To chat about preparatirons! About the excitement of the journey. I'd spend my whole life talking about that and nothing else!Mafalda: What a coincidence!Susanita: Because, you know? I'm going on holiday next week!Mafalda: Me too, Susanita.Susanita: Oh, yes? Well, my aunty Clarita lost her maid, also she's got rheumatism and a son in Venezuela and this morning the TV at home broke down. Did the price of bread go up? I read that doris day.
0602en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0602, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tomorrow is twelfth night and the three wise men are coming, Manolito.Manolito: Yes, the three kings. I'll tell you, Mafalda. This thing about twelfth night, believe.Mafalda: So?Papa: Uh uh!Manolito: Well... You begin to realise.Mafalda: Realise what?Manolito: That as businessmen they're useless. Where have you seen that they give away products year, after year, after year? Eeeeeeeeh?
0596en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0596, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: I've got something for you, Felipe: One of the calendars from my father's shop.Felipe: Oh. Lovely!Manolito: It was a very pretty sciense, with the moon, boats on a like, and cows, and snowy mountains and in the forgeground a curtained window, and a vase with flowers and butterflies. You'll see... What do you have to say?Felipe: Thac! Yo, Manolito.Manolito: "Thacyu"?
0616en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0616, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Mmmm?Felipe: No! No bowling. We do the crossword of I go home!Mafalda: Ok! Let's do the crossword! Go on.Felipe: 1 across: "they plough the earth".Mafalda: Oh dear! And what for? Just to make the middleman wealthy! Such is the life of the farm worker! Who can undestand you, Felipe?Felipe: I can!
0542en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0542, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: I think it should make you a little bit jealous to know that my papa earns more than yours, Miguelito. Don't you think?Miguelito: Well, I hadn't thought about it, but I do think that beside what The Beatles earn our papas earn a pittance.Susanita: Let this be the last time you give me your damned ideas!
0517en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0517, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Listen to the lovely line I found in this book, Manolito. "If at night you weep for the sun, the tears will prevent you seeing the stars."Manolito: And when you are smacked in the middle of the day... Then what?
0521en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0521, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: Even so, I think the teacher will like my drawing of a cow, it's not that bad and you can see it is a cow, can't you? Seen like that, eh? What do you think?Susanita: Lovely! Is it yours, Manolito?Manolito: Yep!Susanita: Was it your idea alone, or did someone suggest that you design a monument to the croissant?
0507en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0507, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: I'm going to have some fun scaring Mafalda with this rubber spider. You know what Ive got?Mafalda: Well, I never wanted to tell you, but you've got stick-out teeth, a face that's too long and a weak personality.
0500en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0500, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: I don't know why I listen to the news!Felipe: Why? What did they say?Mafalda: That a nuclear war threatens all of us! Don't you see? Absolutely everyone!Felipe: Wow! That's the first time they've mentioned me on the radio!
0465en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0465, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: You know I think your father's a bit stupid. Doesn't he know that there are better businesses than plants?Mafalda: Business? For my father, his plants are not a business, Manolito, they're a hobby.Manolito: What? Doesn't he sell them?Mafalda: Of course not!Manolito: My god! Not only stupid, but gratis!
0438en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0438, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: You told me that when we die we go to heaven, didn't you?Mafalda: Yes, why?Miguelito: Because there's comething I don't understand. How do they get fat people into an airplane like that?Mafalda: But, Miguelito! It's like this: only out souls go to heaven. Our bodies stay here.Miguelito: What? You mean we have to return the empties?
0446en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0446, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: I heard somewere that we were born in a cabbage. What do you think?Mafalda: That a story brings us, Miguelito. The cabbage is a pack of lies.Miguelito: Whatever you say, but I'll never eat sauerkraut again in my life!
0384en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0384, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoTeacher: And anyone who doesn't understand please raise your hand. Let's see, Manolito. What don't you understand?Manolito: Nothing from the start of term till now!
0387en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0387, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: So you got another bad grade at school for not doing your homework. How can you possibly be such a pichiruchi, Manolito?Manolito: Me! A pichiruchi! Who's a pichiruchi? Me? You're more of a pichiruchi you know? You're the pichiruchi! That's what you are! By the way, what's a pichiruchi?
0346en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0346, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: What are you doing, Mafalda?Mafalda: I'm going to send a new message for world peace.Manolito: Another one? Why, if no-one got it?Mafalda: I demand a ban on nuclear weapons. Reply on delivery! Now they'll have to react.
0355en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0355, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Yes, this world does seem a bit depressed. Do you think it's really sick?Mafalda: Yes!Susanita: What are the symptoms?Mafalda: Its Asia hurts.
0319en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0319, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What a mess, Manolito! Where did you get so dirty?Manolito: Here, at school. School is run by the ministry of education, isn't it?Mafalda: Yes.Manolito: Wow! It's the first time I reach ministerial rank dirt.
0345en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0345, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: It's fantastic! It says here that in ten years time the americans and the russians will be on the moon.Mafalda: What luck for the moon-men!Felipe: Moon-men don't exist.Mafalda: Exactly... Lucky for the moon-men!
0365en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0365, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Millions and millions of people live in the world and, what for? Why are we in this world?Manolito: I'm in a hurry right now, but I could find out by tomorrow.
0305en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0305, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Today's my last day. On the beach, Miguelito. But I'm happy that you live near me and we can still see each other.Miguelito: Of course.Mafalda: And you can meet my friends.Miguelito: What? She's got friends? I thought I was her friend and it now seems I'm just one more! You women are eh all the same!
0219en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0219, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: ...And when the world population gets to seven thousand million we're going to be squashed like sardines in a can!Felipe: Come on, Mafalda! Don't take it so hard! The problem is not the number of people! What matters is the proportion of fools doesn't rise! And there's no reason that should happen!Mafalda: You're right, Felipe. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for making me feel better!Felipe: It seems to me that one day I won't be a bad father.
0216en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0216, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Have you heard, Susanita? In thirty years the world population will be seven thousand million!Susanita: Oh my god! What about my babies?Mafalda: What about your babies?Susanita: Will they fit?
0208en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0208, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: You are a good loser, Susanita. Others, when they lose... You should see what they do!Susanita: Damn it! Just when I was being a good hypocrite!
0204en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0204, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Bye, girls.Mafalda and Susanita: Bye, Felipe.Mafalda: He's good, isn't he?Susanita: Is he successful in Europe and the USA?Mafalda: What? Where's that from?Susanita: Because nothing is good, if it is not successful in Europe and the USA.
0159en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0159, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: Let's see: If I move that, he'll take this. Ahha! What if I take another? No! Better take that one there, 'cause if I take it, he won't take me. And if I take. Let's see: if I...
0148en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0148, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Have you ever thought of all those minutes waitng their turn to come out of the clock? We've got millions of unused minutes before us! Brand new minutes! Minutes which above all we have to use positively!Felipe: Oh, my god! What a responsibility!
0145en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0145, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It's an important letter, Felipe. Please, write it for me!Felipe: Alright. Give it to me.Mafalda: "To the secretary general of the un: bearing in mind that when it's day time in Washington and London, it's night time in Moscow and Peking, have you ever thought that maybe, what divides people is not politics, but bedtime?"
0099en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0099, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Trouble everywhere! The world is in bad shape! And who is to blame? Come forward... And he'll see what he gets!Felipe: The world's been in bad shap for centuries! You hear? Centuries!Mafalda: Then the one to blame must be dead coward!
0064en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0064, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Felipe! Look what I found in this magazine!Felipe: Who is that?Mafalda: Pardon? He's the god of telepathy!Felipe: Aaah!

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