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1893en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1893, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Hi, Miguelito. I just went to your house and rang the bell several times but nobody seemed there.Miguelito: There was, but my mother and I were negotiating some disagreements.Mafalda: Sit down and tell me.Miguelito: Standing, thanks. Which d'you think was the negotiating table?
1883en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1883, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Poor nuns! Religion's a fine thing, but having to live for religion instead for a husband... Don't know, I'd rather a husband. Of course, god would never come out and say his mother cooks better.
1696en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1696, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: I went shopping with my mother... It was as if her purse had diarrhea!
1728en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1728, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: At home, every month it's the same game. My father trots in with his wages and passes them to my mother! My mother catches, checks. My mother gets ahead for a few days, watching the wages, then a bill arrives, she pays and continues, always paying she crosses the month midway. A collector faces and tries to stop her, tackles my mother, she avoids him! Gets ahead, always with wages under control, she tries to find the end of month! This is exciting. My mother's getting there, kicking the wage forward! She's going to try it! she's almost there! Yes! She stretches! The 26th catches her and kicks the wage into corner!
1753en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1753, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: "It's raining, son, better stay at home and don't go to school".Felipe's mom: It's raining, son, better take your rainproof coat.Felipe: If it weren't for small details I'd claim I know my mother like the back of my hand.
1620en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1620, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: I see your mother buys at the same butcher mine does, Felipe.Felipe: Yup?!Libertad: So, on more than one occasion we must have eaten the same steaks from the same cow. Just look at that, cow fellows without knowing! Just think, day after, week after week, month after month we've been a cow-chewing team!Felipe: If there is no boiled pumpkin or something like that, don't expect me for supper, mama.
1649en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1649, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: At home it's always the same: the washing machine breaks down all the time. The technician comes, repairs it my mother says, this is awful you charge more each time, and he says, lady, what can you expect these days, and then they talk about everything being rotten. The thing is each time I put on clean clothes I feel covered in crises.
1534en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1534, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: The best way to live is to make everything we do seem important. We must face every task, great of small, determined to win through. So my mother tells me to go buy the bread? Right, so I go as if buying the bread were the greatest thing I could do in life! Oh, but I dorgot the money at home!
1575en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1575, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What a pretty dress, Susanita!Susanita: Yeh, my mother knitted it on her machine.Mafalda: Oh, so your mother bought a knitting machine.Susanita: Yes, it's wonderful. My mother also knitted these socks. And a coat and two dresses for herself and a jacket and covers for the cushions in the sitting room. And mats and scarves and even a bed cover, that machine's amazing! Wouldn't your mother like to have a machine? It's as new. Ask her. My mother will let it go for what anybody'll give her. Go on. Yeah? We're absolutely sick of the machine. Installments too. Ask her.
1585en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1585, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: At what age do you think you'll marry, Libertad?Libertad: I love my father and my mother.Susanita: What's that got to do?Libertad: That when the time comes to complicate my life by loving someone outside the house, I'll see. For now I like simple things.
1540en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1540, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoTeacher: Right, show us the river neuquen.Libertad: When it's so cold c'mon!Teacher: I'm the teacher and you show respect!Libertad: Of course, like a second mother, I know, but the fisrt doesn't jave much lucj either.
1529en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1529, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan: Hi! Is your mother in?Mafalda: She's not just mine, we have a condo with this guy who can't be trusted.
1438en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1438, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Have children to contribute to humanity, me? Have children to continue the species, me? Who cares about the species? I want to be a mother, not a spare parts supplier!
1510en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1510, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What have the chicken done wrong? Nothing! What're they to blame for? Nothing! Your hands, mother, are stained with the broth of innocents!
1477en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1477, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: There's a man at the door.Man: Hello little girl, is your mother in?Mafalda: Depends. Which one?Man: What d'you mean? How many d'you have?Mafalda: Well! The one I aodre with allmy heart... Another who force feeds me soup... Another cares for me... Another yells at me... One that is happy in her home... Another who slaves in her house... Another...Mama: Who was it Mafalda?Mafalda: Oh! One of those salesmen who think there's such a thing as one mother.
1526en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1526, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMr. Sosa: What's up, darling?Mafalda: Good afternoon, Mr. Sosa. My mother asks what happened with the water?Mr. Sosa: What was left in the tank is finished and we can't pump any more because the breaking the street at the corner also broke the water pipe that the water company said would be repaired this morning but they didn't come so I tried to call them but the phone is dead.Mama: So what did he say?Mafalda: Weeeel... He made a colourful description of a picturesque localist custom...
1456en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1456, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Can you come here old thing?Mafalda: Whad'ya mean,, old thing? Fine way to address your mother!Guille: Who's calling mama? D'you thing you're so young?
1462en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1462, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: Mafalda put that light out, it's gone midnight!Mafalda: Oh, all right. Overtime! she's a mother all day and on top of that she does overtime!
1394en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1394, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Words for today "as a mother who suckles her dhild so man creates art to feed the spirit.".Mafalda: And the mind can make do with a dummy!
1415en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1415, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: My husband will be tall, dark and have green eyes. And nothing will come between us to spoil our joy. My husband will be tall, dark and have no mother. And nothing will ever come between us to spoil.
1389en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1389, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Mother...Mama: Mmmh?Mafalda: Is the ability to succeed or fail in life... hereditary?
1308en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1308, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Pssst! Any moment now mother always asks what we want for supper.Papa: So?Mafalda: And every day we tell her: -"Don't know anything'll be fine" - "Whatever is less work" - "I said I don't know; something simple, simple, I don't know"...Papa: Yeh, that's right.Mama: What d'you want for sup...? Cowards!
1310en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1310, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: Great idea, drawing on the floor with that awful marker! After all! Mother is here to clean up! Right?Guille: No, mother is kind. When you're andry, mother's not here. There's an andry woman.Mama: Angry or not, I am always your mother! Get it?Guille: No! I'm a little orphan! Blub!Mafalda: STOP THE SOAP OPERA. I CAN'T DO MY SCHOOL WORK!
1332en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1332, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What is your mother typing?Libertad: Book translations, because what my father earns is not enough to pay the mortgage. My mother knows french. She copies them like we talk and with what she gets paid she buys food and things. There's a man. Wait, what's his name? Jean Pol... Jean Pol Belmon... No! It's Jean Pol... Disaster?Mafalda: Oh, I know, Sartre?Libertad: That's it! He wrote our last roast chiken.
1380en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1380, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: My mother doesn't want me to translate from French like she does.Mafalda: Why?Libertad: Because she says gets starvation rates, but I don't care; the important thing is to do what you like best.Mafalda: Very good, Libertad! And have you learned to say many words?Libertad: Parley voo French?
1333en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1333, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: So Libertad's mother is a translator?Mafalda: Yeh, got a degree recently.Susanita: Why recently? Didn't she get a degree before marrying?Mafalda: No. When she got married she was still studying, and Libertad's father as well.Susanita: So, both were students?Mafalda: Yessss!Susanita: Y'don't say! So single and they married? WOW!
1290en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1290, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman: Ricky, don't wet your feet, love. You might get ill! Ricky, drop that shell. Who knows what germs it might have, dear. Ricky, put your hat on, sweet. Sun's very strong!Mafalda: It's well known a mother is everything. What is not said is how much of everything a mother can get to be.
1361en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1361, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLibertad: Manolito, did you know my mother translates from French? I also know Franch, I can say papa in French.Manolito: Really? Go on say it.Libertad: Papa.Manolito: Oh, that's easy! It's the same!Libertad: Easy? Same? Not fine. The thing is you must think in French. Try to say papa thinking in French! Go on! Let's see?Manolito: It's hopeless! I'll never be able to speak that language!
1367en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1367, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Stop her, Manolito!Susanita: Do that to a mother? Ok! Better alone than among anti-motherists!
1334en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1334, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Visited Libertad's home. It's very small!Mama: Oh, yes?Mafalda: And I met her mother. The mother works.Mama: Oh, yes?Mafalda: She translates from french.Mama: Oh, yes?Mafalda: Because when she got married she did not give up studying like others. She obviously had more will than oh, yeses.
1337en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1337, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Yesterday I asked my mother. Do you reaaly think the world is going to get better?Mama: No doubt!Mafalda: So I'll suggest something: until the world gets better you don't make soup, ok?Miguelito: What happened?Mafalda: Las night she served all her certainty in a bowl with noodles!
1267en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1267, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: My mother had to buy me new clothes for school. All of last year's were to small. I was very sad because I thought we had to throw them out, but my mother said no, there is always a poor little girl who could use them.Mafalda: Oh, good, what a relief! That's lucky!Susanita: Negative as usual!
1258en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1258, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: My mother told me about having babies; apparently fathers put a little seed in the mothers. did you in the mothers. Didi you know?Mafalda: Yes, I did.Miguelito: Just think , a little seed! All the doubts I had on the subject cleared up. But I'm in complete botanical confusion.
1259en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1259, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Oh, so your mother told you?Miguelito: Yes.Susanita: What did she say?Mafalda: About the little seed that fathers put in mothers. Oooh! But everybody knows that, nobody cares any...
1249en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1249, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Hey, hey! The girlie is drying dishes! I've told myself a thousand times that helping mother is not girlie! It is being good understand!? Good man hel their mothers! Make no mistake: one thing is being a girlie another to be good! Hey, hey! The good little girls is drying dishes!
1169en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1169, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Here comes commander Neil Armstrong traveling throungh space? Nasa has sent him on a special mission to bring back lunar soil samples. Mirning, my mother whats a pack of butter. Here is commander Neil Armstrong determined not to return the chanfe to nasa which makes him sick of special missions.
1185en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1185, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: My mother sent me to the shops and I heard two women chatting...Woman 1: You tell me, what does that poor girl do now? Single and with a child!Woman 2: Terrible!Susanita: Don't you see! I thought that only by getting married you could have children! Now it turns out you can be married, single, widowed, divorced and who knows what else you can be that I never heard of!
1232en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1232, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: But, why must I do that?Mama: Because I say so, and I am your mother!Mafalda: if it is a matter of degress, I am your daughter! And wegraduated the same day! Or didn't we?
1177en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1177, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Last night, my mother went to switch on the TV and, tut, it did not work! So no TV aaaall throught supper, and aaall afterwards till bed time! Last night I discovered just how boring my parents are.
1216en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1216, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: This morning I argued with my mother and I just got away before she could slap me you know where. But then I saw she was busy and I went, swiiiish! Passed by her side!Mafalda: What did she do?Manolito: In football it's called "seeing the goal"!
1242en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1242, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: The door, and I'm running late!Man: Good morning, madam, miss. Offering this useful item for ladies, the gen'rman at home or in the office, the workshop, the miniclorhshanger, "plick", the only magnetic hanger, anodized metal, "plick", sticks to any metal surface without need for crews, clamps, nails or adhesive; and as a special manufacture's offer the price is below its real value! What in any shop you would have to pay.Mafalda: Oooh, you do speak well, papa! And you've come back! And this time you will marry mama and never, never leave us again! Right, papa?! You're welcome, mother.
1186en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1186, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tell me, Mama; if one is not married, can one have kids?Mama: Err? Eh! Well, yyyes, one can, of course. But, children should live with a mother and a father, it should be that way! And for that reason people marry, start a home.Mafalda: Yeh, yeh, but that's another matter! The thing is that married of single people can have kids, or not, as they wish. Bad news, mates: er're optional.
1250en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1250, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Know something? Your father drove by the bakery and a woman said... Pshah! Even that guy has a car now!Mafalda: But, did you hear that?Susanita: No, I did not; my mother told me. She heard it.Mafalda: And was it for my father that the woman said it? There must have been other cars passing.Susanita: Of course, could be... No, not really, my mother knows your father, doesn't she?
1162en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1162, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: Honest, parents do have ups and downs.Mafalda: Yep!Manolito: My mother says I must give her no headaches. But that's not the bad bit. She thinks my backside is a sort of aspirin.
1121en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1121, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: Blast the bus! It took ages!Mafalda: You should have a car, papa. Why not...Papa: Of course! After all! They give cars away! Go on, babe! Help your mother get the supper! A car! I am just about ripe for pipe dreams! Go away!Mafalda: Ok, how could I know!Papa: Brrrrrrrrmmmm, brrrrrmmm, brrrrrrmmmm!
1090en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1090, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Mama, Mafalda's staying for tea!Susanita's mother: Good.Susanita: One thing, though. My mama doesn't like tea to get cold. So when she calls we mustn't make her wait more than two or three dead.
1087en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1087, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: ...that's what my mother was told by the fat girl at the bakery who goes out with the son of the woman at 3B, the guy who studies nights and works days to help out at home. Poor thing! He wouldn't need to if his father was not so keen on the horses and they didn't owe so much to be butcher who has just bought a cab, the butcher? Can you imagine? His cab drive is the brother-in-low who married the seamstress who used to step out with that red haired boy who got in a mess with...Mafalda: Check-mate, Susanita.Susanita: Why such bad luck? Why? I ask.
1088en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1088, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: My father is the same each day! "Good morning-see y' later". "Hello, ooh, I'm so tired. Is supper ready? Bed, at last! Right... Good night!". Then my mother: "Mind you don't scratch the floor! Shoes on the chair again? Don't wreck your clothes! Let's see those ears!". Frankly, I can't imagine what I would do without me.
1074en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1074, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Tell me about the seaside, Mafalda. Did your mother fall in love with the lifeguard?Mafalda: Lifeguard?Susanita: Yeah, stupid! Lifeguards are beautiful and you didn't notice!Mafalda: Yes, I did, but didn't think of him as beautiful. What I thought was that while he guarded a few lives thousands of bombs were being made and... Susaninta?
1024en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1024, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: I wonder if when my mother was little she wanted to be what she is now. Mama!Mama: What d'ya want!?Mafalda: Just thinking about a boy who nearly put a finger in the dan but never mind.
1000en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1000, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: What's up with the face? Come on, let's go and gossip. Last night my mother talked about all she'd spent at the supermarket. So my father said, "that's terrible" and that he had a bad day at the office and a headache. My mother tolf him, you've always got a headache when I speak...Mafalda: Greetings, you two originals.
1004en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1004, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: I'll ask hum! I just have to go up to him and ask, whatever happens! Excuse ne, Sir. Is it true, what my mother says, that if I... If I don't... you knows, about dirty hands and washing before lunch and all that... You'll put me under... Well, you know?Cop: Go tell your mother that police have better things to do!Miguelito: I begin to understand about respect for the institutions.
0989en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0989, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Let's play ladies like your mother and my mother?Mafalda: Yes! And... We get together for tea and chat like ladies.Susanita: Good...Mafalda: Let's see... How makes the first stupid remark?
0950en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0950, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: "Kills in'law in argument. Mother poisons two small children. Granny's killer confesses.". Know somethinf...? I've been reading about how good I am.
0916en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0916, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoStork: For you, Mrs Susanita.Susanita: Oh! My first child! How exciting!Mafalda: Good morning. I've come to play with Susanita.Susanita's Mother: Sorry, she woke up feeling sick and unable to get out of bed.
0930en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0930, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe's Mother: Felipe, would you go and buy milk?Feipe: Sorry, mama, I don't have time. Funny, adults believe that lie when they say it.
0896en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0896, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Last night I dreamt that my mother sent me to visit my sick grandmother who lived in communist China. "Take this basket to your granny, but beware the red guard doesn't find you", my mother said. And I went to China with my basket. When I got there, I was skipping happly along the street when suddenly a red guard asked me. "Where are you going, comrade. I'm going to visit my sick granny. Ah, yes? And where does your nice, bourgeois granny live?".Mafalda: Come on! That's little red riding hood! It's not true that you dreamed it"Susanita: Of course not. But it's an interesting version, isn't it?
0876en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0876, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Why does your mother wear glasses?Mafalda: The optican ordered them.Miguelito: Why?Mafalda: So she could see well.Miguelito: See what well?Mafalda: How do you mean what? Everything!Miguelito: Ah! Was your mother such a pessimist?
0873en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0873, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: What did you give your mother for Mother's day, Mafalda?Mafalda: A book.Manolito: Go on! Really, what did you give her?Mafalda: Really! I give her a book!Manolito: A book... Now I'm made to look a fool! Don't you think I know your mother already had one?
0886en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0886, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: 'Morning, Manolito. My mother sent me to see if the whisky you sell is dear.Manolito: No... It is not dear.Mafalda: Is ir imported?Manolito: No. It's not imported.Mafalda: Ah ha! Is it good?Manolito: Em.. Nnno. It's not very good.Mafada: But, tell me. Is it whisky?Manolito: No. It's not really whisky, either.Manolito: Business is business, but friends are friends.
0831en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0831, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: I see your mother is knitting something for your future brother.Mafalda: That's it, Susanita.Susanita: Of course, now everything your mother does willl be for him, right?Mafalda: Of course. We have everything. But he has nothing. Imagine, if when he arrives everyone else gas everything and he has nothing, he could get certain ideas into his innocent head. And we don't want extremists in the family, do we?
0721en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0721, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: That's strange! You're playing mother?Mafalda: Well, yes. Once in a while it is good to give your instincts an airing.
0713en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0713, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: My mother sent me to buy olives. Are they good today, Manolito?Manolito: Aaah! Just for busy executives! try one!Mafalda: Yuuuck!Manolito: You see, people have a very idealised image of busy executives.
0526en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0526, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Hi, Felipe. Mmmm. Tell me. Have you thought of what you're going to give me for mother's day?Felipe: Give you? Why?Susanita: Well, it's difficult to explain, I don't know if you're ready for it, but I cannot hide it anymore, you'll have to give me a present because, I... Mmmm, I...Felipe: You what?Susanita: I, my boy, am your mother! It always works in the soap opera!
0527en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0527, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Susanita wanted me to believe that she is my mother, so tomorrow I'd have to give her a present.Mafalda: What did you say?Felipe: I didn't say anything, either.
0525en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0525, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Please show me what sizes you have in hankies as a present for a mother.
0522en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0522, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Kids! What are you giving mother on her day? Think about it! Don Manolo's shop offers a great variety of washing poders, floorclouths, remember, a mother who is tired doesn't hit so hard.
0453en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0453, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: A cousin of mine has translated some of The Beatles' songs.Mafalda: Let's see! Do you have a pencil? There's a line here I'd like to copy.Felipe: Sure!Mafalda: "Ehen I saw you with him, I felt my future tumble". Only geniuses like The Beatles could express so well how I felt the first time I saw my mother with a bowl of soup.
0477en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0477, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: I heard you had a cold, but my mother wouldn't let me visit you in case I caught it. And I had bought some biscuits to take you. And it got me into a tantrum, a tantrum!Mafalda: You are kind, Miguelito, but you shouldn't have bothered yo buy me those biscuits.Miguelito: Well, no, yes... In the end. You should see how hungry a tantrum makes me!
0436en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0436, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Where do you go when we die?Mafalda: My mother says we go to heaven.Miguelito: Did she give you any launch-details?
0428en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0428, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: I'm worried about my mother. She says she's tired of spending every day cleaning the house.Mafalda: Miguelito. Doesn't she say "all the blassed day"?Miguelito: Yes. That's right! She says "all blessed day". How you know?Mafalda: Well, I have a small knowledge of maternal folk sayings.
0429en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0429, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Don't get upset about what your mother says, Miguelito. It seems every mother says the same. "after all, I'm only a servant in this house! Is that why I married? But you'll see! One ay when you least expect it I'll snap, and you don't know what I'll do. You never know!" If somebory just wrote all that down, they'd make millions in royalties.
0433en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0433, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Dear diary, today I made my mother angry. I know I was wrong and that my mother is kind and I make her mad and it's all my fault and... (The editor of this secret diary does not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors).
0408en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0408, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Look, she's knitting, her husband's coming in without her seeing.TV: "Oh, my dear! you're knitting... Darling does that mean we're going to have a baby?".Susanita: That's absurd! My mother spends all her life knitting and all she gets is jumpers!
0336en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0336, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Useless! I still can't read the paper. The only things they teach us at school is that somebody loves his mother and another ties his tie. I want to know about bush or Fidel Castro! But it seems that neither Bush loves his mother nor Fidel ties his tie.
0327en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0327, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: I hear you're not getting on too well with Manolito.Susanita: Oh" He went gossiping to you, did he? Well that doesn't surprise me! How can it surprise me? The milkman told me that Manolito's father was mixed up in some funny business in the chamber of commerce, and because of that he had problems with Manolitos's mother! And we know all about that woman! Manolito's brother who, I found out, is 23 in my, holds the purse strings. And that great lump got himself a weird girlfriend, who's father sold land is related to one of Manolito's uncles, who in 1925...Mama: Where've you been, Mafalda?Mafalda: With the FBI.
0353en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0353, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Hello.Mafalda: Shh! Quietly. We have a patient in the house.Felipe: Is your father sick?Mafalda: No.Felipe: Your mother?Mafalda: Neither.
0324en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0324, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoTeacher: My mum misses me. I miss my mum.Mafalda: Congratulations, miss. I see you have an excellent mother. Now, please teach us something really important.
0205en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0205, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: You can't only be interested in being a wife and mother, Susanita! These days, women are called on to fill a more important place.Susanita: I'm going on a diet tomorrow!
0210en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0210, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Last night I dreamed my mother studied for a degree.Susanita: Had she been to college, and all?Mafalda: Of course.Susanita: And did she get a boyfriend, and all?Mafalda: Boyfriend? No!Susanita: So she'd been to college, and nothing!
0209en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0209, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: Mafalda, your mother is not mediocre any more! I studied for a degree! I have a diploma!Mafalda: Mama! Last night I dreamed that you had a degr...
0183en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0183, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It's terrible! It's almost mother's day and I don't know what to give my mother!Felipe: Me neither.Manolito: There are lots of lovely things to give: A jar of olives, a tin of prawns, cheese, cold meats, chickpeas, pastas, jams...Mafalda and Felipe: HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO GIVE GROCERIES FOR MOTHER'S DAY?Manolito: Well! If you're going to be intellectual about it!
0185en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0185, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: My god, mother's day is the day afther tomorrow and I don't know what to gve my mother!Susanita: I'm giving mine a hankie.Mafalda: Lucky you! You've got the problem solved.Susanita: Thanks for your optmism.
0134en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0134, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Do you like it, Susanita? My mother gave it to me!Susanita: Ah, a golliwog!Mafalda: Yes, why? Don't tell me you're a racist!Susanita: Me, of course not? If we are all equal, how could I be a racist?Mafalda: Where are you going?Susanita: Yo wash my finger.
0132en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0132, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: To be a mother can't be the only thing you want, susanita! Haven't you thought of a career?Susanita: I hadn't thought of that! Now you mention it, it's not a bad idea. It's good to be seen sometimes at the race track and then be in the papers. "Mrs. Doña Susanita Clotilde, accompanied by her young son, followed thw 7th race with interest."Mafalda: This is worse than soup!
0149en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0149, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What's on your mind, Susanita?Susanita: Birth control.Mafalda: Yes, but that's.Susanita: "But that's" nothing! I want to be a mother out of control!
0186en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0186, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Felipe! Felipe! You know it's just occurred to me. I'll give my mother a book!Felipe: Fantastic! How did it come to you?Mafalda: Well! I thought what would I like them to give me, if I was my mother.Felipe: Of course! That's the way! Let's see. That's it! Though I don't know what my mother would want with the complete set of the lone ranger.
0171en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0171, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan: Is your mother home, dear?Mafalda: She's in the bath. What do you want?Man: To offer her the washing machine extraordinaire "washex 70".Mafalda: Is it good for laundering consciences?Mama: Who was ir, Mafalda?Mafalda: Nothing new, mama.
0125en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0125, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Did you know, Mafalda? My son will be a doctor! And as I walk by people will say: "That's doña Susanita, mother of doctor sonofdoñasusanita!" And everyone will be sick with envy... And my son will get rich curing envy! How much do you think a good envyologist could earn?
0117en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0117, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: How much are the sweeties, Manolito?Manolito: Two pesos each.Susanita: Any reduction for a mother-to-be?Manolito: Mother-to-be? I see no mother-to-be.Susanita: What's wrong with country is that people have no vision of the future.
0098en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0098, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What do you want to be when you grow up, Susanita?Susanita: I'm going to be a mother. Your father chooses the funniest places for a nap.
0010en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0010, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMen: Is your mother in? Where shall I put, ma'am?Mama: In the living room, please.Men: And the little girl?
PCL108657 "The Puseyite Moth and Roman Candle. ""Fly away silly moth.""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107286 (A farmer spraying moth killer onto the clothes of a scarecrow) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL105510 “Plastic moths! Just how phoney can you get?” *** Local Caption *** The phoney
PCL102399 Plastic moths! Just how phoney can you get? *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Quentin Blake
PCL111293 "Listen, Vera — who is driving this car, you or your mother?" *** Local Caption *** "Who is driving this car, you or your mother?"
PCL111000 "Mrs Coote, what precautions, if any, do you take against moths getting into my clothes? ""Well, sir, if I sees any flying about I slashes at 'em.""" *** Local Caption *** Interwar Servants cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112392 "Father, I want you to meet mother." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Nicolas Bentley
PCL103681 I planted Iris this year. Next year I think I'll plant her mother. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Crime, Police, Law and Order from Punch"

Total de Resultados: 228

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