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FFDFJC CHARLES II (1661-1700)./nKing of Spain, 1665-1700. Oil on canvas by Juan Carreno de Miranda, c1670.
FFA69B LOUIS XIV (1638-1715). /nKing of France, 1643-1715./nLouis XIV (seated) with Jean-Baptiste Colbert (standing at king's right) and members of the Academy of Sciences in 1667. Oil on canvas (detail), c1670, by Henri Testelin.
FF9PK6 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715). /nKing of France, 1643-1715. Louis (seated at center), Jean-Baptiste Colbert (standing at king's right), and members of the Academy of Sciences in 1667. Oil on canvas, c1670, by Henri Testelin after Charles Le Brun.

Total de Resultados: 3

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