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BK5NAB Town Sign Interior South Dakota 57750 near the Badlands.
BK5N9N Town Sign Interior South Dakota 57750 near the Badlands.
RGJCKM . Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology. . C D Fig. 17. Pentadinium laticinctum Gerlach 1961. A, B. Ventral and dorsal views respectively. V.57750 (4) ; W32. C, D. Apical and antapical views respectively. V.57752 ; W37. The precingular archaeopyle (3") is indicated by shading. Genus PENTADINIUM Gerlach 1961 Pentadinium laticinctum Gerlach 1961 Fig. 17 ; PL 13, figs 6-11 1961 Pentadinium laticinctum Gerlach : 165 ; pi. 26, figs 5-6 ; text-figs 6-7. Description. The overall cyst shape is rounded polygonal to subspherical.. Please note that these images are extracted from

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