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2HJ1D23 End of the Year Eishōsai Chōki Japanese. End of the Year 56500
RR1CD1 . Agriculture, ancient and modern: a historical account of its principles and practice, exemplified in their rise, progress, and development. Agriculture. LAND MEASURING. 7,s7 Insets from B to C. 98 X 458 = 44884 98 + 128 X 250 = 56500 128 + 80 X 364 = 75712 80 X 271 — 21920 199016 Ofisets on AB „ CA Triangle ABC Deduct insets BC Double areas. 272256 380856 2644224 3297336 199016 Divide 2)3098320 Acres 15-49160 4 Eoods 1-96640 40 Contents of area 15a. Ir. 38Jp. Perches 38-65600 6th, The following gives the plan and area of a field of irregular form :— To ©A 0 1134 64 916 134 728 48 470 86 245
RJYYTC . Arthur and Fritz Kahn Collection 1889-1932. Kahn, Fritz 1888-1968; Kahn, Arthur David 1850-1928; Natural history illustrators; Natural history. Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten Postscheckkonto: BERLIN N.W. 7, No. 56500 Martin Holdheim für den Reiohsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten BERLIN W.62, den Kleiststr. 10 (Logenhaus) Briefanschrift: Karl M. Baer, Berlin W.62 KleiststraBe 11 25. 3. 22 /6 • m/. ^'Hi Harrn Dr. Prltz Kahn, Char.lottanburg Schillsrstr. L08 Seiir gdshrtsr E^rr Doctor I » Der Reichsband jüdischer Frontsoldaten giVfe' , irt-fr Ihnen bekannt sein dürfte^ seit elnl^jer Zelt ein ei
J4X6HN When syndicatism was killed (NYPL b13537024 56500)

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