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2RC931C Air Service Flying School, Rich Field, Waco, Texas. Aircraft 33783 was involved in an incident where it hit a ditch during landing at the Rifle Range at Camp McArthur. This photograph was taken in October 1918 and it is not intended for publication. It is meant for official use only.
RGDMNT . Bulletin of the Natural Histort Museum. Geology series. Fig. 14 Right ulna, M.54066, proximal, natural size. 14A, anterior; 14B, lateral; 14C, posterior; 14D, medial.. Fig. 15 Left proximal ulna, M.54067, natural size. ISA, anterior; 15B, lateral; ISC, posterior; ISD, medial. olecranon process is preserved on the volar surface, and the entire coronoid process and volar surface of the shaft is missing distaily. More bone is preserved on the dorsal surface, which is broken distaily about half way along the M. anconeus insertion. There is some erosion to the volar-most tip of the olecranon proc

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