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2RCAJT0 A truck depicting the activities of the Signal Corps during World War One. The photograph was taken by a Signal Corps photographer, with the identification number 49935. The description states that the truck symbolizes the various activities of the Signal Corps, including photographing, telegraphy, radio communication, and telephone systems used in military operations. The location of the photograph seems to be the Signal Corps headquarters in Mihoma, and the photograph is part of a larger series titled RECO 3400-1921.
2RCHEK5 Interior of a repair shop at Signal Corps Depot No. 2 in Givres, Loire et Cher, France. The photo was taken on January 6, 1919, by photographer SOT. J.T. Seabrook. The image is labeled with the subject code 48935 and the photographer's notes were numbered 2480 and 9.
GK6666 49935 Wood borings ejected by Teredo Observe that in many of the particles the cell walls are visible

Total de Resultados: 3

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