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2RCH99R This photograph shows a German 60 C.M. track that has been damaged by bombs in Lancon, Ardennes, France. The photo was taken on 3-1-19 and is associated with subject 49239 cpl. W. Beach. It is part of the photographic collection from American Military Activities during World War One.
2AM4D06 Ontario Sessional Papers, 1906, No.26-31 . 54,961 O $ 35,419 22,4201,521 5,1303,501 33,811,1,410 ..r 41,85144,55466,26249,49239,448 33,9115,6473,145 T3 *iS 4) O 9,570 967 59,432 42,70371,06632,68833,70730,303 23,940996 24,361235 49,53228,31633,61620,20730,132 23,30847,516 61,361170,76470,34955,12570,3771I196,324140,129!41,533j 277,986272,3621329,641361,111253,599 26,412 1,288 25,947 53,64790,89492,72692,69279,667 19,71162,067 70,82471,09047,61266,98537,534 4,725 2,088 28 6,841 10,810 13,214 5,994 7,955 81,77875,924105,80771,48761,592 1,3882,622 4,010 4,321 10,196 12,186 12,195 69,969119,.33011
KJ3H42 Israel 49239 Rothschild kiosk 1910
GK653R 49239 Most urgent need for Alaska's development--more lighthouses

Total de Resultados: 4

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