Dems Donor Overdoses

Código da imagem : ny190919200604
Dimensões : 5.250 X 3.500 pixels
Resolução : 300 dpi
Orientação : horizontal
Data da foto: 19/09/2019
Tamanho máximo não comprimido : 52,6MB
Tamanho do arquivo : 3575 kb
Cor : colorida
Pauta: Dems Donor Overdoses
Título: Nick Hanna, the U.S. Attorney for the central district of california, speaks at a news conference about charges against Ed Buck, at the Los Angeles Hall of Justice on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019. (Andrew Cullen/The New York Times)
Descrição: Nick Hanna, the U.S. Attorney for the central district of california, speaks at a news conference about charges against Ed Buck, at the Los Angeles Hall of Justice on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019. Buck, a small-time Democratic donor and political activist, is facing a federal charge in connection to the death of Gemmel Moore, 26, one of two men who died of overdoses in Buck?s West Hollywood home since 2017, according to a law enforcement official. (Andrew Cullen/The New York Times/Fotoarena)
Local: Los Angeles / CA / Usa
Coleção: The New York Times
Crédito: Andrew Cullen / The New York Times / Fotoarena
Disponibilidade: sob-consulta
Direito de uso: Direito controlado
Autorização do(a) modelo: não
Autorização da propriedade: não

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