Turkey Syria

Código da imagem : ny111019111104
Dimensões : 5.760 X 3.840 pixels
Resolução : 300 dpi
Orientação : horizontal
Data da foto: 11/10/2019
Tamanho máximo não comprimido : 63,3MB
Tamanho do arquivo : 4077 kb
Cor : colorida
Pauta: Turkey Syria
Título: Mourners gather around the coffin of a Syrian boy who was killed in rocket and mortar attacks in Akcakale, southern Turkey, just over the border from Tel Abyad, a Kurdish-held town in northern Syria, on Friday, Oct. 11, 2019. (Mauricio Lima/The New York Times)
Descrição: Mourners gather around the coffin of a Syrian boy who was killed in rocket and mortar attacks in Akcakale, southern Turkey, just over the border from Tel Abyad, a Kurdish-held town in northern Syria, on Friday, Oct. 11, 2019. Hundreds of townspeople turned out to bury a Syrian baby boy whose family had fled to Turkey during an earlier phase of the Syrian civil war, and who was killed in rocket and mortar strikes on Thursday. (Mauricio Lima/The New York Times/Fotoarena)
Local: Akcakale / / Turkey
Coleção: The New York Times
Crédito: Mauricio Lima / The New York Times / Fotoarena
Disponibilidade: sob-consulta
Direito de uso: Direito controlado
Autorização do(a) modelo: não
Autorização da propriedade: não

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