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aitroc21085 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, TROCADILHO, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 2021.DiálogoFranck Lloyd Wright.Frankestein Lloyd Wright.Frank Pink Floyd Wright.
asbifa1577-14 ALLAN SIEBER, COLEÇÃO BIFALAND.DiálogoBlack bloc já era.- Jura?O lance agora é o Pink Pillow!- Iuuupiii!!!
asbifa1329-13 ALLAN SIEBER, COLEÇÃO BIFALAND.DiálogoFACÇÕES.Black Bloc.Brown Ball.Pink Pillow.- Guerra de travesseiro!
aspnb0827-12 ALLAN SIEBER, COLEÇÃO PRETO NO BRANCO.DiálogoA VIDA COM CELULAR.Por contingências profissionais fui obrigado a usar um maldito celular.- Tudo bem! Mas não vai ter nem câmera!- Eu ia jogar no lixo esse celular velho, quer? > Minha assistente e enfermeira.- Ele é pink, tá remendado com durex e tem que dar umas batidinhas para ele funcionar.- Um celular de homem!! Nem sabia que existia!
0795en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0795, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: This map of the world has very pretty colours. There are pink countries, orange ones, green, yellow, lilac... Countries in very pretty tones... that have nnothing to do with the colours of their intentions.
anfsp070210 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 04.02.2010.Diálogo- CONFISSÕES.- A casa era um tributo ao mau gsto. Sofá pink, cortinas amarelas... Roupas vulgares, cabelo tingido, perfume barato, música sertaneja... Clima ameaçador. Quando ela tirou da geladeira um frango frito, tive de agir. Era ela ou eu.
anfsp040210 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 04.02.2010.Diálogo- CONFISSÕES.- A casa era um tributo ao mau gsto. Sofá pink, cortinas amarelas... Roupas vulgares, cabelo tingido, perfume barato, música sertaneja... Clima ameaçador. Quando ela tirou da geladeira um frango frito, tive de agir. Era ela ou eu.
fsp070901 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 07.09.2001- CONTRA O RACISMO, A DISCRIMINAÇÃO RACIAL, A XENOFOBIA E A INTOLERÂNCIA CORRELATA.- Paz, justiça e igualdade a todos os filhos de Deus, menos para aquele sujeito sentado alí de batom pink!
ltfsp050100 ANGELI, LUKE & TANTRA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 05.01.2000Diálogo- Ah, sai fora, Luke!! O seu texto da pela estava carregado, depressivo, super velho, eu tive que mudar! Estava parecendo aquelas coisas do Pink Floyd, tipo trilha de festa da associação das bandas darks anônimas! Queria o quê? Ganhar premio da morta-viva do ano?- Tá! Mas tinha de transformar tudo numa ode ao Bozo?- Beleza! Já temos um título!
ltfsp230499 ANGELI, LUKE & TANTRA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 23.04.1999Diálogo- Orelha, quando você irá pagar os 10 paus que deve aqui no bar?- Tô durango! Aquele hippie velho da loja de CD me mandou embora e eu me recusei a receber os meus direitos.- Mas, por que?- Ele queria me pagar com CDs do Pink Floyd e do Elton John!
fsp101295 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 10.12.95Diálogo- ATITUDE- Drag Queen. Peruca pink, tailler azul e bolsa violeta. Money Drag. Pasta cor-de-rosa.- Êêê... Qual é? Tá me estranhando?
PCL106519 (Mr Punch is painting a watercolour of a magnificent pink and orange sunset is annoyed when a jet plane's contrails disturb the sky) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Russell Brockbank
PCL111676 "I'm afraid Roger has never really grown up. (a wife explains her husband's hunting trophies who are Disney characters such as The Pink Panther, Mickey Mouse and Pluto)" *** Local Caption *** I'm afraid Roger has never really grown up.
PCL114198 "“Going, going, gone! For three million pounds, the Empress Josephine’s diamond tiara with matching pendants - to the bald gentleman in the pink-striped pyjamas.”" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL113059 "Bentley's Gallery. Kingsley Martin. Kingsley Martin puts his whole soul and heart in To ""The New Statesman,"" tho' you may not think the ink In his veins is an attractive shade of pink." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Nicolas Bentley
PCL110203 "Punch Almanack 1932. Front cover (Mr Punch riding a chestnut horse , taking a jump out hunting , dressed in a ' pink ' hunting jacket and top hat watched by dog Toby)" *** Local Caption *** Punch magazine front cover cartoons
PCL112224 "Front cover of the Punch Almanack - 1932 . ..Mr Punch riding a chesnut horse , taking a jump out hunting , dressed in a ' pink ' hunting jacket and top hat with his Toby dog following . Illustration by Frank Reynolds ." *** Local Caption *** PUNCH Front Cover Cartoons
PCL102267 Progress in Art - The Hunter's Action. In full cry (1) In full cry (2) *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL102257 Progress in Art - The Hunter's Action. In full cry (3) In full cry (4) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL111317 "Legislation by Pyjama. There are others besides the landowners of the country who are made to ""sit up"" by the Budget. (Mr. Winston Churchill was supposed to have been discovered on the Treasury Bench in pink pyjamas.) (an Edwardian cartoon shows Liberal British Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith leading Lloyd George carrying his Budget Box and Winston Churchill all in their pyjamas and carrying candles)" *** Local Caption *** Edwardian cartoons from Punch magazine by E T Reed
PCL102561 Passing Through (Henry Mancini) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael ffolkes (Brian Davis)
PCL102459 Passing Through : Henry Mancini *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Music from Punch
PCL110201 "Punch Almanack for 1950 (front cover, 7 November 1949)" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Rowland Emett
PCL102197 Punch cover 19 December 1956 *** Local Caption *** Punch cover 19 December 1956
PCL102155 Punch cover Spring Number 17 April 1957 *** Local Caption *** Punch cover Spring Number 17 April 1957
PCL102555 Passing Through (Herbert Lom) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons about Celebrities and Celebrity
PCL107766 "When Botticelli Binns devoted so much thought to the repainting of his house, I don't think he could have heard of the proposal to erect a new pillar-box in front of it." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL110218 "Punch (Front cover, 6 September 1961)" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Russell Brockbank
PCL113255 "Anyhow, thank goodness science will never be allowed to mess about with the Good Old-fashioned Christmas." *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL110090 "Reading with Tears. ""Give me some pinker ones. I can still read it."" [Signor Mussolini, it is reported, has been advised to wear spectacles.]" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL101911 Signs of the Times. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL109207 "The End of the Day. (Right Hon. Arth-r B-lf-r (jogging home). ""We've killed a brace; not so bad after all.""" *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"

Total de Resultados: 32

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