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1905en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1905, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Mom, come, the bandits surronded the kid and are going to kill him!!Mama: No, my love, you'll see they won't!Guille: No?Mama: No, sure.Guille: They always spoil the ending!!
1848en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1848, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman: Good evening, going up?Papa: Oh, yes, thanks!Woman: Wife and kids ok?Papa: Oh, yes, yes.Woman: Give them my regards.Papa: Just in the belly I saw the woman from up stairs. Sent bellies for all of you.
1834en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1834, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan: From now on, instead of calling you children, boys or kids, we'll call you "human in a state of development". Got it?Miguelito: Yes!Man: Yes, what?Miguelito: Yes, sir!Man: That sounds better, right?Miguelito: Yes, sir!Man: We should celebrate this. Waiter, one whisky for me and one for me. Yours, Miguelito, I'll drink for you. It would be wrong if "human in a state of development" got intoxicated when not yet ready. Cheers!Miguelito: Cheers, sit.Man: Right, that's all. Thaks and congratulations to you and all those now called "humans in a state of development". You may leave.Miguelito: Thank you, sir. Last night I dreamed we still are the bottom of the bin, but with great respect!
1820en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1820, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Will you write my letter to father christmas, Papa?Papa: Of course, son!Guille: Dear father christmas.Papa: Dear father christimas. What d'you want to ask for, Guille?Guille: Everything.Papa: Everything? Everything what?Guille: Everything he have.Papa: Guille, how can he bring you everything he has? He has to share with all the other kids. You can ask for one or two things, but not everything. Understand?Guille: Understood, cross out dear.
1731en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1731, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Papa, are children part of the people?Papa: Of course!Mafalda: Fffff! We had access to almost nothing because we were kids... And now this!
1695en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1695, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Right... A little responsibility and I'll do my geometry work. Question: when is a triangle an isosceles? When Felipe kid arrives to save hypotenuse from carrion joe. Oh, there, I had to influence myself again.
1618en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1618, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Looking for our national roots?Man: No, kid, it's a gas leak.Mafalda: The usual: the urgent leaves no place for the important.
1581en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1581, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: "Hello, my love, kiss! how was it today? Fine, my precious, kiss! Mmmh dupper smells delicious! "Hi, today was awful! You finish feeding the kids 'cause I haven't even boiled the water!" "Ok, but hurry, I'm worn out!" "What a time to come home, check the fridge see if there's anything left from lunch!" "Who cares, I've eaten already!" Never! Matrimony will not spoil my marriage.
1554en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1554, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Papa is it true that before, when grown ups talked kids had to be quiet?Papa: That's right!Mafalda: Goodness, and you went throught all that.Papa: Yes!Mafalda: You poor thing, you had to hold all your answers and opinions!Papa: Well, it was not that bad! Gigli, Gigli! What on earth does Beniamino Gigli have that bing crosby didn't? I ask you?
1565en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1565, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Oh, dear, there comes Susanita!Susanita: Oh, dear, there comes Mafalda!Mafalda: Sure she's going to jabber as usual.Susanita: I suppose it's going to be the usual.Mafalda and Susanita: I know when the world you marry will be full your kids of trouble, right?
1473en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1473, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMama: Everythings costs more each time! How can we live like this. A wage is not enough for the food! And they wonder why are robberies! How can a worker feed his kids with a wage? This is how strikes start, then they get a miserable hike and they say production costs are increasing, and this and that, and everything goes up again and...Mafalda: Can I have seconds of that sociological stew, please?
1463en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1463, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: ...and it would complicate our journey. So you know what to feed him, right? Hope you'll take care of him.Manolito: Don't worry. The kids seem to like it and if I give each? Each nothing! I could cover costs of the lettuce and make a little more, but I promised to take care, not to rent him out. Oh, shame!
1244en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1244, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: Listening to them play makes me feel like the kid of yesterday. Yipppeeee! Charge, here's morgan!Mafalda, Felipe and Manolito: More what?Susanita: Charge did he say?Papa: I'm yesterday's... kid.
1239en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1239, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Waaaagh!Mama: Make that kid shout up! Will you?Guille: WAAAAAGH!Mama: You shut him up, don't shout at me! Pardon me, I'd forgotten you went to cambridge!Mafalda: Shut up all of you. Family is love! Love! Scum!
1186en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1186, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tell me, Mama; if one is not married, can one have kids?Mama: Err? Eh! Well, yyyes, one can, of course. But, children should live with a mother and a father, it should be that way! And for that reason people marry, start a home.Mafalda: Yeh, yeh, but that's another matter! The thing is that married of single people can have kids, or not, as they wish. Bad news, mates: er're optional.
1187en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1187, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: More than people, we're a decision our parents make, Manolito. D'you realize? If they had not wanted children, that's it, we would not have been born!Manolito: What d'ya mean not born? How come? When I get an idea in my head nobody's going to change that! D'you hear me? And if my parents had not wanted kids! Their bad luck! I would have other parents, another name and a different face! But you can be sure I'd have been born!
1240en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1240, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What happened!Papa: That's what!Mama: Your brother is a spoilt brat!Guille: Sniff!Mafalda: But, Guille, you must understand! Think, these good people never educated anybody before they had to educate us. We're their guinea kids. There's nothing you can do!
1033en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1033, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Did you see that new game on TV?Mafalda: Which?Felipe: The one that says... KIDS! HAPPINESS FOR ALL IS HERE!Mafalda: Ah, yes!Felipe: Yeah! Just look at the happiness they seel you on TV.
0982en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0982, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Somethings it's not good to be little, but then we have life ahead of us. D'you see? Everything awaits us! We study, graduate, work, marry, have kids, progress. Become an adult, have grandchildren... And, the rest! NO! NOT THE HOME!
0945en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0945, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Mama, I am going to the square with the kids to play cowboy!Mama: Ok, be careful, eh? Mafalda is such a...! She's just as soon for goodness and peace and all that...TV: Suport ltns. Love Thy Neighbour Society.Mama: ...as for playing at violence, gunfights and all that.TV: We now continue with commando 217.Mama: Really, children today are so hard to understand.
0947en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0947, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: BANG! You're done Miguelito.Miguelito: No, no! BANG!Mafalda: I shot first. Why play if you don't want to die when you're killed?Miguelito: 'Cause I read that kids need play killing others to unload the anger we carry inside and all that. So if you're going to spoil my therapy so soon, I'm not playing.
anfsp220304 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 22.03.2004.Diálogo- REPÚBLICA DOS BANANAS.- Tricha, cantora de electro rock. Rafa, dublador de desenhos animados. Kid, locutor de rádio FM. Otto, tem desvio de septo.
anfsp260600 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 26.06.2000Diálogo- NOS TEMPOS DAS DILIGÊNCIAS.- E o que eu ganho duelando com o Kid Facínora?- Pelo o que ouvi dizer, 30 dias de acesso grátis a internet!
bbfsp040299 ANGELI, BIBELÔ, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 04.02.1999Diálogo- Poses, demonstração de força, acho esse teatro masculino ridículo! Mas vendo assim, de forma chapada, até me excita essa coisa rústica, áspera...- Cactus kid, muito prazer!?
fsp100100 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 10.01.00Diálogo- BOXE ESPETACULAR.- No lado esquerdo do ringue. Kid Malvadeza. E no direito... Fernando, o triturador.
fsp280798 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 28.07.98Diálogo- FHC FOR KIDS.- Brasileiros!
fsp140896 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 14.08.96Diálogo- CISCO KID.- Muito bem, agora você vai lá e arrase com todos!!
0579en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0579, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: What are you doing, Miguelito? Why are you walking like that?Miguelito: Shhhhh! In the other half of the world it is night... And they are asleep.Felipe: Poor kid, he still doesn't know that one half of the world is incapable of listening to the other half.
0522en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0522, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Kids! What are you giving mother on her day? Think about it! Don Manolo's shop offers a great variety of washing poders, floorclouths, remember, a mother who is tired doesn't hit so hard.
0312en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0312, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: Tell me, Felipe, is it true teachers beat kids?Felipe: That was before. Things have changed.Manolito: You mean before. Kids hit the teachers, now?Felipe: No, not that either!Manolito: Always the same! Changes are never thorough
0311en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0311, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: My father told me when he went to school kids who were stupid were beaten by the teachers. And those who didn't want to go to school were thrashed by their parents! It seems my father's childhood was one long beating.
0160en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0160, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Who's this kid?Papa: Me.Mafalda: It's true, you look nicer now.Man: Who's he, smiling?Man: Some masochist!
0100en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0100, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Don't you think we live in a complicated world, Susanita?Susanita: To me it seems simples. It's a world of parents and children. Everyone in the world is a parente or child of someone, and that's it!Mafalda: That kid makes me feel old.
0039en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0039, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: But Mafalda, even if I explain Vietnam to you, you wouldn't understand!Mafalda: Oh, so I'm stupid?Papa: It's not that you're stupid! It's not a problem for kids!Mafalda: Oh, no?Papa: No!Mafalda: ...And if you explain without the dirty bits?
0043en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0043, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It's terrible that people care more for a tv series than for the trouble in Vietnam!Felipe: Ah, well... It's terrible, but also logical.Mafalda: Why?Felipe: Because people don't really care about the good guys and the bad, if they don't know whats to call "the kid".
071-06pt MACANUDO, VOLUME 6, PORTUGUÊS, ZARABATANA BOOKSDiálogoLiniers: Que estranho! Um monte de gente me pede no blog para eu desenhar Alfio, a bola toscona. Não sei o que veem neste personagem. Nem eu entendo muito bem o que signific...Alfio: Karate Kid! Je t'aime!
071-06sp MACANUDO, VOLUME 6, ESPANHOL, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoLiniers: ¡Qué rato! Un montón de gente me pide en el blog que dibuje a Alfio, la bola troglodita. No sé qué le ven a ese personaje. Ni yo entiendo muy bien qué signific...Alfio: ¡Karate kid! Je t'aime!
1695sp TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1695, ESPANHOL, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: ¡Buéh! Un poco de responsabilidad y a empezar el deber de geometría. "Responde: ¿Cuándo un triángulo es isósceles?". Cuando Felipe Kid llega justo a tiempo de impedir que Carroña Joe se alce con la hipotenusa. ¡Ya tuve que dejarme influenciar por mí!
1695pt TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1695, PORTUGUÊS, EDIÇÕES MARTINS FONTES.DiálogoFilipe: Bem... Um pouco de responsabilidade e vamos começar a tarefa de matemática. "Responda: Quando um triângulo é isósceles?". Quando Filipe Kid chega a tempo de impedir que Carroña Joe fuja com a hipotenusa. Já tive que me deixar influenciar por mim!
PCL106845 (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about Film
PCL106477 (Paul Newman and Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael ffolkes (Brian Davis)
PCL111119 "'Mind you, this is a rough area to bring a kid up in.'" *** Local Caption *** Postwar Modern Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107955 "We have got your kid "" I have got your bang-bang""" *** Local Caption *** Bill Tidy cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113545 "A Speedy Retribution. Small boy. ""'Arf ticket ter Baker Street."" [Pays, and awaits delivery of ticket.] Clerk. ""It's a shameful thing, a kid like you smoking!"" Small boy (indignantly). ""Who are yer callin' a kid? I'm fourteen!"" Clerk. ""Oh, are you? Then you pay full fare to Baker Street!""" *** Local Caption *** A Speedy Retribution
PCL110037 "Restraint, restraint. Scattered chuckles until the kid speaks, then come in heavy on the guffaw." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Bud Handelsman
PCL113062 "Believe me, kid - in ten minutes you'll be able to climb THROUGH the goddamn looking-glass." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Peter Birkett
PCL113915 "“Restraint, restraint. Scattered chuckles until the kid speaks, then come in heavy on the guffaw.”" *** Local Caption *** Editing in the canned laughter
PCL108642 "The really sad part is, ever since I was a kid, I've been allergic to carrots." *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL113762 "“You gotta change your strategy, kid. Go for his mid-section and stay away from his nose.”" *** Local Caption *** Punch Sport and Leisure Cartoons
PCL109950 "Say what you like, kid, there'll always be room in the rock and roll biz for straightforward middle-of-the-road acts like Arthur." *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Music from Punch
PCL112356 "First belle. ""Yah! I wouldn't walk out with a kid like that."" Second belle. ""Well, he's got a uniform, anyhow.""" *** Local Caption *** Arthur Wallis Mills Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110505 "Our Dancing Men. ""Who's the slightly ancient dame that that kid Binks has been dancing with all the evening?"" ""I dunno. Young Binks doesn't either. But he says she's the only woman in the room with a glimmering of how to 'jazz.'""" *** Local Caption *** Our Dancing Men
PCL113047 "Better watch those crashing reports, pardner. You may be fastest on the witticisms now, but one of these days some verbally facile kid is going to come along and top your repartee!" *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about Food
PCL111792 "I now start thee, World War III! Boom! Bam! Crash! Bang! Kerflooie! Pow! Voom! Ka-boom! Ka-bang! Ka-pow! Ka-putz! BIG silence. The end! Amen! If you heard that, Major, just kidding. Just kidding!" *** Local Caption *** Henry Martin cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102507 Passing Through (Paul Newman) *** Local Caption *** Trog cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105290 “You’re kidding! Just that and they feed you?” *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Animals, Pets, from Punch"
PCL110703 "Of course, Charlotte's kids lack her finesse. (spider web graffiti spells 'bum')" *** Local Caption *** Nick (Nicholas Hobart) cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113987 "“Nonsense, dear, the kids wouldn’t miss visiting day for the world.”" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Crime, Police, Law and Order from Punch"
PCL103670 I see my kids laundry. *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL112574 "Don't waste no more breath on 'Im, Joe. If yer must getrid of it, come home an' blow the kids' football up."
PCL104393 Don't these kids have T.V. sets this time of night? *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102146 Punch front cover (A aggressive looking tennis-playing baby) *** Local Caption *** Punch Sport and Leisure Cartoons
PCL114332 "‘Would you mind autographing this for my kids, sire? They’ll never believe me’" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Crime, Police, Law and Order from Punch"
PCL111517 "It's a terrific story! There's this woman in there looking after two kids, she cooks, cleans and looks after her husband - and loves it." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael Heath
PCL114161 "“How about coming back to my place, cooking supper, putting the kids to bed and ironing me a shirt?”" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL110668 "'Oh hallelujah, you've found me at last. But I'm not leaving without the wife and kids'" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL111893 "How about coming back to my place, cooking supper, putting the kids to bed and ironing me a shirt?" *** Local Caption *** Matt cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112984 "Broadcast Wireless. First Clubman. ""Ah! The nightingale!"" Second Clubman. ""That sounds like a knock-out."" (two men in a private members club listen to the wireless radio with headphones, one listening to nature sounds while the other listens to a boxing match during the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL105749 “I give up—you get a programme to appeal to the kids and they all go off bashing up blacks.” *** Local Caption *** "Social History, Racism cartoons from Punch magazine by George Sprod"
PCL105384 “This one’s to help me unwind from the office...this one’s to wind me up to face the wife and kids...this one’s to help me unwind after the evening with them...” *** Local Caption *** Modern Social Commentary Cartoons by Bernard Cookson from Punch magazine
PCL100315 We've cut out the middle-men altogether. Instead of booking a band we just let the kids and the bouncers kick the hell out of each other all night! *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Music from Punch
PCL109423 "The Big Push. Munition Worker. ""Well, I'm not taking a holiday myself just yet, but I'm sending these kids of mine for a little trip on the continent."" (a munitions worker proudly pushes out his new artillery shells for use on the front during WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL110871 "'No, Daddy. This is Mr Shithead.'" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL113956 "“Oh, oh, the kid’s back.”" *** Local Caption *** Mike Williams cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105988 ‘This is going to hurt me more than it is you.’ *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL103971 He's still kept his boyish sense of inquisitiveness. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Banx (Jeremy Banks)
PCL111241 "Mabel (who has something in her eye). ""It's still very sore, mummy. Shall I gargle it?""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Lewis Baumer
PCL114687 "(Earth mother with ""little sods"")" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL112628 "Doctor. ""Yes, I think she will be all right now with these glasses."" Mother. ""I should hope so. They cost me seventeen shillings, and she's the only one in the family as can see through 'em.""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by George Belcher
PCL103069 Lullaby for a Naughty Girl (illustrated poem) *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL107478 "Your little girl do squint, don't she, Mrs Small? ""Yes - but only when she looks at anything.""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by George Belcher
PCL104033 'He was playing doctors and nurses in the playground and he got struck off' *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL111210 "Maid. ""Where's Miss Ethel, Master John?"" Highbrow Youth. ""Somewhere in the absolute elsewhere.""" *** Local Caption *** Science cartoons from Punch magazine by George Belcher
PCL106003 ‘That’s Gary. My mother’s training him to be my step-father’ *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL110014 "Right, that's Stage One of my plan to dominate the world successfully accomplished!" *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL114283 "“At St Malcolm’s we are justly proud of our adherence to traditional values and the perpetuation of a crass, facile and smug middle-class.”" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL114406 "‘I’ve found the box with the fireworks in, dear’" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL100565 'This week I want a 10.2% increase not linked to productivity.' *** Local Caption *** Matt cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105975 ‘This week I want a 10.2% increase not linked to productivity.’ *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL114334 "‘When Daddy tells you how much he’s worth, it means that’s how much he has. Daddy as such has practically no market value’" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL114497 "?Remember this: early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and computerise.?" *** Local Caption *** Henry Martin cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105500 “Right. This is where you’ll go if you get three straight ‘A’s. Now we’ll drive over to two ‘B’s and a ‘C’.” *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL106616 (Man carrying Disposable Income nappies) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL112025 "He. ""Where do animals go when they die? She. ""All good animals go to heaven, but the bad ones go to the Natural History Musuem.""" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Animals, Pets, from Punch"
PCL104743 'But we can't invite ONLY your imaginary friends to your party' *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL113917 "“Remember this: early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and computerise.”" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Science-Technology-Space from Punch
PCL113311 "'And, one day, when you are grown up, you may want to open a sperm bank account of your own...'" *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"

Total de Resultados: 146

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