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akg7906738 Muller, Charles Louis Lucien; 1815-1892. "Esquisse pour le pavillon Denon au Louvre: Les quatre âges artisique de la France - Presentation of the plans à Napoléon" (Sketch for the Denon pavilion in the Louvre: The four artistic ages of France - Presentation of plans for Napoleon), around 1864. Painting, oil painting. PPP4679, Paris, Petit Palais.
akg8074382 Sargent, John Singer; 1856-1925. "Gassed", 1919. (Wounded and blind soldiers in Le Bac-du-Sud after a mustard gas attack near the river Somme on the Western Front in August 1918). Oil on canvas, 231 x 611 cm. Cat.No.: Art.IWM ART 1460. London, Imperial War Museum.
akg163114 Courtois, Gustave. 1853-1923, French painter. "Orpheus", 1875. Oil on wood panel, 27 × 66 cm. Pontarlier, Musée Municipal. Museum: Pontarlier, Musée Municipal.
akg326372 Granacci, Francesco. 1577-1543. "Joseph introduces his father Jacob and his brother to the Pharaoh", 1516. Oil on wood, 95 × 224cm. Inv. No. 2152. Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi. Museum: Florenz, Galleria degli Uffizi.
akg8199719 Rizzi, JamesNew York 1950 - 2011""Eye like to look at you"". 2010. Acrylic on canvas. 30 x 90.5cm. Signed and dated lower right: RIZZI 2010. Titled verso on stretcher. Framed. Provenance: - Kunsthandel Frenzel, Heroldstatt (label)- Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia. Art trade, Van Ham. Copyright: Additional copyrights must be cleared.
akg931452 Römisch, 3.Jahrhundert.-Szene im Amphitheater: Orchester mit Trompeten und hydraulischer Orgel und Gladiatorenkämpfe; Ausschnitt.-Unterer Fries eines Fußbodens mit Meeresfaunaemblemata. Mosaik, Länge des Frieses 250 cm. Aus der Küstenvilla von Dar Buc Ammera bei Zliten, Umgebung von Leptis Magna (Tripolitanien, Libyen). Museum: Archäologisches Museum., FRANKFURT AM MAIN.
akg931434 Römisch, 3.Jahrhundert.-Szene im Amphitheater: Orchester mit Trompeten und hydraulischer Orgel und Gladiatorenkämpfe; Ausschnitt.-Oberer Fries eines Fußbodens mit Meeresfaunaemblemata. Mosaik, Länge des Frieses 250 cm. Aus der Küstenvilla von Dar Buc Ammera bei Zliten, Umgebung von Leptis Magna (Tripolitanien, Libyen). Museum: Archäologisches Museum., FRANKFURT AM MAIN.
akg308605 Fra Angelico, real name Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, 1387-1455, Workshop. "The School of Albertus Magnus". (Albertus Magnus; scholastic phlosopher and Saint; c. 1193 - 1280). Tempera on wood, 47 × 150cm. Inv. no. 8488. Florence, Museo di San Marco. Museum: Florence, Museo di San Marco.
akg3001401 Römische Malerei, augusteisch, 2. Hälfte des 1. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Die Aldobrandinische Hochzeit (Hochzeitsszene mit Darstellung der Götter Hymen und Venus). Fresko, abgenommen, 92 x 242 cm. Herkunft: Gefunden 1604/05 in Rom (Latium, Italien) auf dem Esquilin beim Gallienusbogen. Benannt nach dem Erstbesitzer Kardinal Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini. Seit 1818 in den Vatikanischen Museen. Biblioteca Vaticana, Gabinetto delle Nozze Aldobrandine, Inv.Nr. 69631. Rom, Vatikanische Museen. Museum: Rom, Vatikanische Museen. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg1559659 Beham, Hans Sebald; German artist, 1500-1550.-"Der Jungbrunnen" (The Fountain of Youth). Copper engraving by Johannes Theodor de Bry (1561-1623). Later coloured.
akg1424688 Nîmes (Dép. Gard, Languedoc-Roussillon, Frankreich).-Der Sündenfall, Die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies, Kain erschlägt Abel.-/ Wandrelief an der Kathedrale St. Castor im französischen Nîmes, 12. Jahrhnudert. Foto, 2008.
akg328422 Uccello, Paolo. c. 1397 - 1475. -"The five Masters of Florentine Art: Giotto, Uccello, Donatello, Manetti, Brunelleschi", c. 1450. - Oil on wood, 43 × 210cm. Paris, Musée du Louvre. Museum: Paris, Musée Du Louvre.
akg829689 Karl I. der Große, König der Franken (768-814), röm. Kaiser; 747-814.-"Les Capitulaires de Charlemagne" (Die Kapitularien Karls des Großen).-Deckengemälde, 1838-40, von Abel de Pujol (1787-1861). Paris, Palais Bourbon (Assemblée Nationale), Salon Pujol.
akg8692007 Statue of Laocoon and His Sons, also called the Laocoon Group. (Groupe du Laocoon, Laokoon-Gruppe). Attributed to three Greek sculptors from the island of Rhodes: Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. - The figures are near life-size and the group is a little over 2 m in height, showing the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus being attacked by sea serpents. There has been much debate over the date of the statue, which would seem to have been made around 40-30 B.C. inv. 1059. Vatican Museums (Pio Clementino Museum - Octagonal Courtyard). 2021.
akg8848489 Panorama of Toledo seen over the Tagus. Photo, 1880-1898. Inv. Nr. RP-F-F01130-BI. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum.
akg8786111 Relief from a Roman tomb.The relief shows a family of freedmen.Maybe the young boy suffered a cranial malformation as it is suggested by the name Globulus.30-20 BC.Museo Gregoriano Profano. Vatican Museums. Rome. 2021.
akg5828834 Kunst am Bau, Max Lingner, Wandbild Aufbau der Republik, entstanden 1950-1953, , Meissener Porzellan Bundesfinanzministerium, Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, nordoestliche Pfeilervorhalle, Fotos 2017, Max Lingner: 1888 in Leipzig geboren, 1959 in Berlin gestorben.
akg5887009 CLOSE OF GIBRALTAR, bird's eye view: on the left the African coast, on the right the European coast. Before the construction of the Suez Canal, the "Columns of Hercules" (facing Abyla and Calpe, the current Ceuta and Gibraltar) constituted the only access to the Mediterranean Sea, which gave them great importance both from the commercial point of view that military. From "La Geografia at a glance", Lithography Corbetta, Milan, 1853.
akg213530 Zille, Heinrich. 1858-1929. "Der Spandauer Arbeiterzug", 1906. (Spandau Workers' March). (Self-portrait of artist leading the march in profile). Black and coloured chalk, 40.9 × 97.8 cm. Berlin, private collection.
akg373205 Gallic War, 58-51 BC. Siege by Romans under Caesar of the Gallic town Alesia (today Alise-Sainte-Reine), defended by the Vercingetorix, 52 BC. - Reconstructed of the "Fortin de l'Épineuse" of the Roman siege ring around Alesia. Watercolour by Peter Connolly (1935-2012). Copyright: Peter Connolly's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg3001523 Frühchristlich, Nordafrika, 2. Hälfte des 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Epitaph mit lateinischer Inschrift , zwei Tauben und Christusmonogramm Chi-Rho, Alpha und Omega (Jesus Christus, der Anfang und das Ende). Mosaik (Marmor und Kalkstein), 182 x 50 cm. Herkunft: La Skhira (Tunesien), Portikus des Baptisteriums der Großen Basilika. Karthago, Musée National de Carthage. Museum: Carthage, National Museum. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg1574683 OECD (Organisation für wirtschafliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) / Sitzung des Rates der OECD in Schloss La Muette / Château de la Muette in Paris ( Frankreich), dem Sitz der Organisation, am 5. Mai 1954. /-Das Präsidium mit Präsident Rab Butler und Generalsekretär Robert Marjolin (2. von rechts).-/ Foto.
akg6539287 Tibaldi, Maria Felice, married (Pierre) Subleyras, 1707-1770. "The banquet in the house of the Pharisee Simon", c. 1748. Copy of the painting, circa 1735/37, by Pierre Subleyras (1699-1749) for the refectory of the Santa Maria Nuova convent in Asti, Piedmont, today in the Louvre in Paris. Watercolours on parchment, 27.2 × 63.8 cm. Inv. No. PC 76, Musei Capitolini, Rome, Pinacoteca Capitolina. Author: PIERRE SUBLEYRAS. MARIA FELICE SUBLEYRAS-TIBALDI.
akg6153691 Tembleque, Marktplatz, Plaza Mayor aus dem 17. Jahrhundert.
akg6153692 Tembleque, Marktplatz, Plaza Mayor aus dem 17. Jahrhundert.
akg6153611 Sevilla, San-Telmo-Palast. Palast San Telmo. Fassade von 1757.
akg7877819 Jaen, Kathedrale, Cathedral Exterior, West façade 17th century, Westfassade, Sculptures/bas-relief. Pedro Roldán, Julián Roldán. Series of sculptures, FigurengalerieBaroque, 17th century, after 1675.
akg8703795 Turzhansky, Leonard Victorovich 1875-1945. "Autumn. A Zoological Garden", 1913. Oil on cardboard, 28 x 68 cm. Moscow, Institute of Russian Realist Art.
akg8973299 Bavaria, Donaustauf, seven boys laugh at the photographer from the top step of the Walhalla. Bavaria, Donaustauf, 1960.
akg5613466 Giambattista dall'Angolo, named del Moro. c. 1514 - 1573/75. "The recruitment of naval forces by the Venetian administrative officials under the protection of the evangelist Mark", c. 1570/72. (From the left the Evangelist Mark, patron of the city of Venice, the administrators Michele Marin, Paolo Zen and Nicola da Mosto, on the right view of the Bacino di San Marco in Venice with the pillars on the Piazzetta, the Molo and ships of the Venetian fleet). Oil on canvas, 137 × 477 cm. Formerly in the Magistrato dei Provveditori all'Armar in the Doge's Palace. On permanent loan from the Galleria dell'Accademia, Inv. No. 910. Venice, Museo Storico Navale.
akg2054634 Koeppel, Matthias. geb. 1937. /. "Memento mori" (Installation für "White Cube"), 2012. Öl auf Leinwand, 30 × 100 cm. Besitz des Künstlers. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. Additional copyright clearance may be required before use of this image. © Matthias Koeppel.
akg985321 Klee, Paul 1879-1940. "Augen in der Landschaft", 1940, 41. Wachs-und Kleisterfarbe auf Jute, 32 x 85 cm. Legat Dr. Emil und Clara Friedrich-Jezler, 1973,. Museum: Kunstmuseum., WINTERTHUR.
akg253905 Dix, Otto. 1891-1969. "Der Krieg" (War triptych), 1929/32. Predella. Mixed media on wood, 60 × 204cm. Inv. No. 3754. Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsamlungen Dresden, Galerie Neue Meister. Museum: Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsamlungen Dresden, Galerie Neue Meister. Copyright: © Otto Dix. This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication.
akg136237 Office:. Bookkeeper. Vignette: Bookkeeper with journals and answering the telephone. Print, anon., 1902. From: Deutscher Buch- und Steindrucker, monthly trade journal, 8th year, Berlin, 1902.
akg153099 Finanzwesen / Schulden. "Zinsknechtschaft". NS-Karikatur. Zeichnung von Otto Flechtner. (geb. 1881). Aus: Die Brennessel, 1. Jg., Folge 20, München (Franz Eher Nachf.) 21. Oktober. 1931, S. 230. Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg866250 Berlin-Tiergarten, Bundeskanzleramt, Willy-Brandt-Straße (erb. 1997-2001; Arch.: Axel Schultes mit Charlotte Frank).-Außenansicht bei Nacht mit Blick auf das Leitungsgebäude, den Ehrenhof und die seitlichen Trakte der Kanzleramtsverwaltung.-Foto, Juni 2008.
akg265110 Berlin-Marzahn, New building complex. (Marzahn I, II, III and Marzahn-Nord; biggest housing project of the GDR, built 1976-1990). View over the new buildings. Panorama photo, undated.
akg265095 Berlin-Marzahn, New building complex. (Marzahn I, II, III and Marzahn-Nord; biggest housing project of the GDR, built 1976-1990). View over the new buildings. Panorama photo, undated.
akg265098 Berlin-Marzahn, New building complex. (Marzahn I, II, III and Marzahn-Nord; biggest housing project of the GDR, built 1976-1990). View over the new buildings. Panorama photo, undated.
akg331181 Florence - Firenze (Tuscany, Italy), Or San Michele, Cycle of statures in the 14 niches on ground floor, North side, 3rd Niche. Stone masons, architects and carpenters. relief on base of the niche of "Quattro Coronati". Sculpture, c. 1414/17, by Nanni di Banco (c. 1384-1421).
akg020286 Stalin, Joseph (orig. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili), Soviet dictator. Gori 21.12.1879 - Moscow 5.3.1953. The body of Stalin is laying in state at the union building in Moscow: guard of honour f. l.: Molotov, Voroshilov, Beriya, Malenkov, Bulganin, Khrushtchev, Kaganovich, Mikoyan. Photomontage.
akg952316 The combustor 'Twence' in The Netherlands is able to process 550,000 tonnes of waste and 150,000 tonnes of biomass annually. The majority of waste is being burned in the industrial waste incineration plant (AVI) in order to generate electricty. Through turbines, the heath is converted into electricity (almost 500 MWh/year) and used for public energy needs of alm.
akg306635 Mythology / Greco-Roman / Hercules. Charon ferries Hercules in his boat across the Styx to the entrance of the Underworld, where Hercules is to capture Cerberus, the Guardian of Hades. (Last of the twelve labours of Hercules). Watercolour, undated, by Peter Connolly. (1935-2012). Copyright: Peter Connolly's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg411170 Düpsseldorf, Flughafen / Langzeitbelichtung mit startenden und landenden Flugzeugen © Florian Monheim 6 × 9 cm.
akg642749 Müller, Richard. 1874-1954. "Der Erschlagene", o. J. Radierung, 14,7 × 49,5 cm (Bild), 24,9 × 60,6 cm (Blatt). Inv. Nr. 2005-24. Museum: Leipzig, Museum der bildenden Künste.
akg357001 Theatre / Varieté, Revue etc. "Bravissimo" revue at the "Lido" in Paris. Panorama photo, 1990. Copyright: Manipulation of image strictly forbidden. Full credit line mandatory © Daniel Frasnay / akg-images.
akg356991 Theatre / Varieté, Revue etc. "Bravissimo" revue at the "Lido" in Paris. Panorama photo, 1990. Copyright: Manipulation of image strictly forbidden. Full credit line mandatory © Daniel Frasnay / akg-images.
akg356993 Theatre / Varieté, Revue etc. "Bravissimo" revue at the Paris "Lido". Panorama photo, 1990. Copyright: Manipulation of image strictly forbidden. Full credit line mandatory © Daniel Frasnay / akg-images.
akg356999 Theatre / Varieté, Revue etc. "Bravissimo" revue at the "Lido" in Paris. Panorama photo, 1990. Copyright: Manipulation of image strictly forbidden. Full credit line mandatory © Daniel Frasnay / akg-images.
akg356995 Theatre / Varieté, Revue etc. "Bravissimo" revue at the "Lido" in Paris. Panorama photo, 1990. Copyright: Manipulation of image strictly forbidden. Full credit line mandatory © Daniel Frasnay / akg-images.
akg242834 Berlin-Tiergarten, Reichstag (construit en 1884-94 par Paul Wallot; en rénovation depuis 1996 pour accueillir le Bundestag; architecte: sir Norman Foster). Vue de l'emplacement des futurs "Dorotheenblöcke", du Reichstag et de l'ancien "Reichspräsidentenpalais" prise de l'est. Vue panoramique, 1997.
akg242887 Berlin-Charlottenburg, Joachimstaler Straße. Vue de la Joachimstaler Straße et de la Hardenbergstraße prise de la Hardenbergplatz; à gauche, l'Église du souvenir (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche); à droite la gare du Zoologischer Garten. Vue panoramique, 1998.
akg974175 Holländischer Krieg 1672-79 (Krieg Ludwigs XIV. von Frankreich gegen die holl. Generalstaaten).-Greueltaten der Franzosen in den Niederlanden.-Radierung, 1673, von Romain de Hooghe (um 1645-1708).
akg974171 Holländischer Krieg 1672-79 (Krieg Ludwigs XIV. von Frankreich gegen die holl. Generalstaaten).-Greueltaten der Franzosen in den Niederlanden.-Radierung, 1673, von Romain de Hooghe (um 1645-1708).
akg113133 Berlin-Friedenau, Sportplatz. "Sonntag in Friedenau". Photographie (Montage), 1901, von Georg Busse.
akg113091 Berlin-Mitte, Hausvogteiplatz. Hausvogteiplatz, westliche Randbebauung, mit Blick in die Mohrenstraße, Taubenstraße und Jägerstraße. Foto, 1905 (Max Missmann).
akg070633 Hawaii.- - Panoramic view. Hawaii. Palm trees growing along the shores of a lake. Photograph, 1905 (Waldemar Abegg).
akg3675062 Wissenschaft / Archiv. Historia-Photo GmbH, Quellenforschungen zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie, Sammlung Dr.-Ing. h.c. F.M.Feldhaus (gegründet 1908 von Franz Maria Feldhaus und seiner zweiten Frau Margarete). - Inventarstempel "Quellenforschungen Friedenau, Bild Nr. 4331". - Rückseite einer Reprofotografie aus dem Historia-Photo-Archiv Nr. 4331. Gutachten über das Gesuch auf Erteilung eines Patentes auf Vanilleschokoladenpulver, Berlin, 5. Oktober 1827, eingereicht von dem Pfefferküchler Theodor Hildebrandt (1791-1872), Berlin, Spandauer Straße 47, gerichtet an den Königlichen Geheimen Staatsministers Friedrich von Schuckmann (1755-1834), handschriftlich beschriftet: "Gutachten des Patentgesuches auf Schokolade von Hildebrandt vom 5. 10. 1827 in Berlin". Mit Inventarstempel "Quellenforschungen Friedenau, Bild Nr. 4331" und Copyright-Stempel: "Zu bemerken: 'Historia-Photo' (...) Historia-Phototo G. m. b. H., Berlin W 50, Augsburgerstrasse 54 (...)". Undatiert, nach 1912. Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg1539656 Zille, Heinrich 1858-1929. "Zur Mutter Erde", um 1905. Heliogravüre, und Roulette, Druck auf Kupfertiefdruckkarton, 22,7 x 50,7 cm ( Platte). Privatsammlung.
akg1634416 Damian, Horia; geb. 1922.-"Sarcophage rosé" (Rosa Sarkophag), 2002. Holz, Acryl, 275 x 73 x90 cm. Museum: Private Collection., Privatsammlung.
akg1636154 Geologie / Erdbeben. /-"Erdbeben. Die zwölf Stufen der Mercalliskala".-/ Aquarell, 1999, von Massimiliano Pezzolini (geb.1972). Auf Karton, 9 x 51 cm. Besitz des Künstlers.
akg1083258 Dutch military base in Shora valley in Uruzgan.
akg1572484 Gontscharowa, Natalija Sergejewna 1881-1962. "Gottesmutter (mit Ornamenten) ", 1911. Triptychon. Öl auf Leinwand, Mittlerer Teil: Gottesmutter, 98 × 89 cm. Linker Teil: Ornament, Blumen, 99,5 × 103,5 cm. Rechter Teil: Ornament, Blumen, 98 × 104,5 cm. Inv. Nr. Sch.-1634-1636 (1989). Moskau, Staatliche Tretjakow-Galerie. Museum: Moskau, Staatliche Tretjakow-Galerie. Author: NATALIA SERGEYEVNA GONCHAROVA. Copyright: © Natalia Goncharova. This artwork is not in the public domain. Additional copyright clearance may be required before use of this image.
akg1035837 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, Nymphenburg 25.8.1845 - (drowned) in the Starnberger See 13.6.1886. Police news of the discovery of the corpses of Ludwig II and Dr. Guddens in Lake Starnberg. From: Latest News, 39th Munich. 1886, Special Edition of 14 June. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg8711340 Hans Makart, Austrian artist, 28.5.1840 - 3.10.1884. Venice pays tribute to Caterina Cornaro, 1872/1873. Oil on wood. Vienna, Österreichische Galerie im Belvedere.
akg8710423 Josef ¦íma (1891-1971). "Landscape", 1931. Tempera on Canvas, 106 x 304 cm. Prague, National Gallery.
akg8552115 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552121 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552118 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552120 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552119 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552116 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552117 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8552122 BRUSH POT AND DOCUMENT BOX WITH TRAY. China. Late Qing dynasty. Bitong from wood, carved. H.24.8cm. Box lacquered, with fitting and lock from bronze. 10.5x42.7x9cm. Condition A/B. Provenance:Collection Detlef Rosen (1941-2017). Prob. acquired locally. . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8685954 Ilha dos Búzios (Brazil), Ponta de Leste (East Point). "Ponta de Leste (Ilha dos Búzios)", 1904. Painting, 1904, by Benedito Calixto (1853-1927). Oil on canvas, 38.2 x 100 cm. São Paulo, Pinacoteca do Estado.
akg8702610 António Carneiro, 1872-1930. "Nocturno" (Night), 1911. Oil on canvas, 90 × 35 cm. Lisbon, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian.
akg8702635 António Carneiro, 1872-1930. "Untitled", 1912. Oil on canvas, 34.5 × 89.7 cm. Lisbon, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian.
akg8696102 Totalitarisme / Union Soviétique / Crimes de masse / 20e siècle. Les dix-neuf pages de l'ordre opérationnel n°00447 du NKVD (Ordre opérationnel du Commissariat du peuple aux Affaires intérieures de l'URSS n°00447 "Sur l'opération de répression des ex-koulaks, des criminels et autres éléments antisoviétiques", connu sous le nom d'Opération koulaks). Ordre secret émis le 30 juillet 1937 par le NKVD, qui joue le rôle de ministère de l'intérieur de l'URSS. Sur la base de cet ordre, de 800 000 à 820 000 personnes ont été arrêtées, dont entre 350 000 et 445 000 ont été fusillées, le reste dirigé vers les camps du Goulag. Ce fut la plus grande opération de masse de la Grande Terreur stalinienne. Moscou, Archives centrales du Service fédéral de sécurité.
akg8692931 Odoardo Borrani, 1833-1905. "Case di Pannocchio a Castiglioncello" (Houses of Pannocchio in Castiglioncello", 1862. Oil on canvas, 12 × 36.3 cm. Inv. No. 2267. Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna.
akg8914611 James Duffield Harding. Fording the Stream in a Mountain Valley, undated. Watercolor with pen and black ink over graphite on moderately thick, moderately textured, cream laid paper, 6.8 × 17.5 cm. Inv. No. B1979.12.801. New Haven, Yale Center for British Art.
akg8910770 Gaspard Le Marchant Tupper. The Harbour of Sebastopol, 1854. Watercolor, white gouache on moderately thick, slightly textured, light blue, wove paper, 17.5 × 51.8 cm. Inv. No. B1977.14.4389. New Haven, Yale Center for British Art.
akg8950130 Gotischer Wandteppich, Städt. Museum Regensburg, 50er Jahre.
akg8924477 Bavaria, dolls wrapped in cellophane are available for sale at a B sales stand. Bavaria, 1960s.
akg8924454 Bavaria, school children (primary school students) rear view of seven boys of the same age with school bags and hats. Bavaria, 1950s.
akg8652275 Amérique du Nord / Rite / Indiens. 1909 danse du soleil par un groupe de Cheyennes effectuée par un groupe de Cheyennes. Photograpghie prise vers 1909.
akg8588492 Clocher et verrières de l'église Saint-Joseph, Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Architectes Auguste Perret (1874-1954) et Raymond Audigier (1907-1987).
akg8540207 Persien / Isfahan. Meidan-i-Schah (Meidan-e Emam oder Meidan-e Imam oder Imam-Platz) von Alikapu (Ali Qapu Palast oder Alikapu-Palast) aus. Foto, 1933 - 1934. Bern, Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv.
akg8547875 PORCELAIN GROUP OF COURT JESTER IN SLEIGH. Meissen. 1924-1934. Model J.J. Kaendler. Porcelain, enriched in colours and gold. Saxon court jester, dressed as a lady, and postmaster Johann Gottfried Schmiedel sitting on a sleigh. Behind him with pointed hat the court jester Fröhlich. In front of them a monkey with a bowl of carrots. Measurement: Height 15,5cm. Mark: Pfeiffermark, 251, porcelain former no. 86, painter no. 7. Literature:-Adams, Len and Yvonne: Meissen Portrait Figures, Leicester 1992, model cf. p. 194.-Walcha, Otto: Meißner Porzellan, Dresden 1973, p. 480, ill. 96.-Die Arbeitsberichte des Meissener Porzellanmodelleurs J. J. Kaendler 1706-175(EditionLeipzig), Leipzig 2002, pp.52, 53.Kaendler's taxa states: 'Ein völliger, und mit einem Pferd bespannterRenn-Schlitten, worinnen ein Frauenzimmer sietzend, hintenauf sitzet Joseph Fröhlich und umbarmet dieß Frauenzimmer, auf dem Schlitten befindet sich ein Affe und eine Eule.' ('A complete, horse-drawn racing sled, in which a lady sits, on the back sits Jospeh Fröhlich, ensnaring this woman, on the sled there are a monkey and an owl.'). . Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8835911 Photo reproduction of a painting, depicting fishing children and water birds. Photo, 1875-1900. Inv. Nr. RP-F-00-3789. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum.
akg262572 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Main gate to the whole garden complex: partial view of the west side. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg262623 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Main gate to the whole garden complex: eastern arch of the portal (liwan or iwan), upper section with various marble incrustations. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg262608 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Main gate to the whole garden complex: arch of the eastern portal (liwan or iwan), upper section. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg263334 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal. (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Exterior view of the mausoleum. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg263342 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal. (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Partial view of the mausoleum: section of the plinth. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg264798 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal. (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Partial view of the mausoleum, seen from the jawab, the pendant to the mosque. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg264796 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal. (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). The jawab, pendant to the mosque, seen from the mausoleum. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg264789 Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India), Taj Mahal. (erected 1632-53 under the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal). Partial view of the domes of the mausoleum; the jawab, pendant to the mosque, in the background. Panorama photo, 1992.
akg8282500 MAGNIFICENT, GILDED SILVER CENTREPIECE FOR CARL LEHR - HEAD MAYOR AND HONORARY CITIZEN OF DUISBURG. Düsseldorf. Dated 15 January 1912. Conrad Anton Beumers. Based on a design by Wilhelm Zaiser. Silver, part gilded. Colour enamel decor and cabochons. On a flat ground with a scalloped ground plan, vertical, correspondingly curved walls with pearl decorations along the lower edge as well as on four sides rectangles with stylised feather relief. In the centre of the cantilevered bowl, a wide, pedestal-like shaft with a martelé surface. On four sides lesene-shaped fluted ribbons, ending at the top as clasps on a laurel frieze. On the capital-like ends each a large set cabochon out of imitation amazonite. In this area in Champlevé technique dedication inscription ""DIE BEIGEORDNETEN U. STADTVERORDNETEN Z. 70. GEBURTSTAGE 15. JANUARY 1912"" in gold on blue, red speckled ground. On the upper side of the shaft round bowl with four ball feet and straight features. In their middle a stele with eight coats of arms in coloured enamel, with an eagle on a tree stump in the round as finial. Ca. 6320g. Height 45cm, ø bowl (low) 35.5cm. Inscribed on bottom edge: ""Design W. Zaiser Düsseldorf"" ""Production C.A. Beumers Düsseldorf"". No other distinguishable marks. Condition A/B. Literature: - Frauberger, Heinrich: Düsseldorfer Kunsthandwerk, in: Kunstgewerbeblatt, Neue Folge, 19. Jahrgang, Leipzig 1908, pp.181-196. - Heppe, Karl Bernd: Der Goldschmied Conrad Anton Beumers, exhibition cat. 25 February till 5 April 1987, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 1987. As the article by Heinrich Frauberger zu Düsseldorfer Kunstgewerbe testifies, Wilhelm Zaiser created several designs for honorary gifts which, amongst others, were then carried out by Beumers (P.192 and 196). The honorary here, Carl Lehr, was lord mayor of the city of Duisburg from 1879 till 1914. In 1912 the magnificent centrepiece shown was presented to him on his 70th birthday in an award ceremony for honorary citizen by municipal council members.
akg8282285 MAGNIFICENT, GILDED SILVER CENTREPIECE FOR CARL LEHR - HEAD MAYOR AND HONORARY CITIZEN OF DUISBURG. Düsseldorf. Dated 15 January 1912. Conrad Anton Beumers. Based on a design by Wilhelm Zaiser. Silver, part gilded. Colour enamel decor and cabochons. On a flat ground with a scalloped ground plan, vertical, correspondingly curved walls with pearl decorations along the lower edge as well as on four sides rectangles with stylised feather relief. In the centre of the cantilevered bowl, a wide, pedestal-like shaft with a martelé surface. On four sides lesene-shaped fluted ribbons, ending at the top as clasps on a laurel frieze. On the capital-like ends each a large set cabochon out of imitation amazonite. In this area in Champlevé technique dedication inscription ""DIE BEIGEORDNETEN U. STADTVERORDNETEN Z. 70. GEBURTSTAGE 15. JANUARY 1912"" in gold on blue, red speckled ground. On the upper side of the shaft round bowl with four ball feet and straight features. In their middle a stele with eight coats of arms in coloured enamel, with an eagle on a tree stump in the round as finial. Ca. 6320g. Height 45cm, ø bowl (low) 35.5cm. Inscribed on bottom edge: ""Design W. Zaiser Düsseldorf"" ""Production C.A. Beumers Düsseldorf"". No other distinguishable marks. Condition A/B. Literature: - Frauberger, Heinrich: Düsseldorfer Kunsthandwerk, in: Kunstgewerbeblatt, Neue Folge, 19. Jahrgang, Leipzig 1908, pp.181-196. - Heppe, Karl Bernd: Der Goldschmied Conrad Anton Beumers, exhibition cat. 25 February till 5 April 1987, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 1987. As the article by Heinrich Frauberger zu Düsseldorfer Kunstgewerbe testifies, Wilhelm Zaiser created several designs for honorary gifts which, amongst others, were then carried out by Beumers (P.192 and 196). The honorary here, Carl Lehr, was lord mayor of the city of Duisburg from 1879 till 1914. In 1912 the magnificent centrepiece shown was presented to him on his 70th birthday in an award ceremony for honorary citizen by municipal council members. Art trade, Van Ham.
akg8366020 Monnaie / Numismatique / AngleterreLe souverain, pièce anglaise.Lot de pièces de 1 souverain or datées de 1910 environ Collection particulière.

Total de Resultados: 8.801

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