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aivari18070 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, A VIDA COMO ELA YEAH, 6639, VARIEDADES, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 24.11.2018.DiálogoPREVISÃO DA MODA.- Durante a manhã, possibilidade de cardigãs em todas as regiões! À tarde glitter e babados sobram do oceano. À noite, em todo o estado, risco de bermudas leg e crocs com meias!
aigeo19004 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, GEOPOLÍTICA, LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE, 2019.DiálogoMAPA-MUNDI 2050.américa do Norte inc. América do Sul S.A. Antártida S.A. Europa. Africa LTDA. Oceano Pacífico. Oceano Atlântico.
abnavidad042sp ANGEL BOLIGÁN DIARIO MEXICANO EL UNIVERSAL, ESPANHOL, 2022.Melodia de la inflación.
aigeo22003 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, A VIDA COMO ELA YEAH, 7650, GEOPOLÍTICA, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 12.03.2022.DiálogoNOVO MAPA-MÚNDI.América do Norte. América do Sul. África. Europa. Ásia. Oriente Médio. Oceania. Bom Senso.
aspnb0293-08 ALLAN SIEBER, COLEÇÃO PRETO NO BRANCO.Diálogo- Viajar, conhecer gente nova, baladas! Up! Lá vou eu! > Universitário inútil. Onde meu dedo ficar será meu novo destino. Urrú!!OCEANO ÍNDICO. 27 QUILÔMETROS DA COSTA DE MADAGASCAR.- Que maneiro!
aniganzala36 Mar Negro - Técnica: Pintura Acrílica sobre tela. Silhueta de pessoas Negras no Oceano. Ano: 2022.
aniganzala05 Na beira do mar - Pintura em aquarela. Representa pessoas negras olhando o céu estrelado sobre o oceano.
1098en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1098, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: 1. The composition of soil includes elements send, calcareous substances, humus. 2. Hun or black earth has has been made with the remains of animals or plants accumulated during very many years. 3. Sandy soils allow the water through easily, the are permeable. 4. Clay soils do not let the water through; they are waterproof. The porous soils absorb water. They are...Susanita: 2. The stalk generally follows the root, transporting the sap and supporting the branches, leaves, flowers and fruit. 3. The leaves are the lung of the plant, and therefore they breathe. 4. The flower, when in full bloom, has petals, withe or coloured (the corolla) a number of tiny green leaves, the calys. 5. The flowers become the fruit, and withing these are seeds which, sown again, will produce the same plants.Mafalda: 1. The heat of the sun evaporates (makes invisible the water in seas, rivers, the oceans). 2. The steam, light and warm, rises until it meets colder air clouds. 3. When many of these drops or the clouds meet even colder layers, larger drops fall to earth as rain or snow.Manolito: *-@$%&*
anfsp060504-2 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 06.05.2004.Diálogo- QUE TUDO MAIS VÁ PRO INFERNO!- Um dia vou sair caminhando sem rumo. Vou nadar a esmo pelos oceanos. Vou chegar a lugar nenhum.
fsp020806 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 02.08.2006.- MUSEU GEOGRÁFICO.- Eu sei, professora! A parte azul representa os oceanos; a verde os continentes e, as manchas roxas...- São hematomas!
skfsp220300 ANGELI, SKROTINHOS, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 22.03.2000Diálogo- O MUNDO ENCANTADO DOS SKROTINHOS.- Você sabia que os Skrotinhos já bateram dois grandes records mundiais? O primeiro foi quando permanceream por dois dias submersos nas profundezas de um oceano. E o segundo, foi pelo desastre ecológico que isso causou.
fsp290996 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 29.09.96Diálogo- ENCICLOPÉDIA DO ELEITOR. VOL. 1.- Você sabia que o arquipélago das Ilhas Tucanas é banhado pelas águas mais escuras de todos os mares e oceanos, e que lá, a mais de 12 mil metros de profundidade, vive uma espécie de peixe que de tão pesado raspa a barriga no chão?- Hei de vender!
070208pt BATU, VOLUME 1, PORTUGUÊS, ZARABATANA BOOKSDiálogoBoris: Batu! E então? O que faremos hoje? Viajar pelo espaço? Percorrer todos os planetas? Escalar altas montanhas? Navegar pelos oceanos em um grande barco? Lutar contra monstros oníricos?Batu: Eu ia até a padaria.Boris: Hmm? Te acompanho!
070208sp BATU, VOLUME 1, ESPANHOL, EDITORIAL SUDAMERICANADiálogoBoris: ¡Batu! ¿Y? ¿Qué nos toca hoy? ¿Viajar por el espacio? ¿Recorrer todos los planetas? ¿Escalar altas montañas? ¿Navegar los océanos en un gran barco? ¿Pelear con monstruos oníricos?Batu: Yo iba a la panadería.Boris: ¿Mm? ¡Te acompaño!
190108pt BATU, VOLUME 1, PORTUGUÊS, ZARABATANA BOOKSDiálogoBatu: Uma vez mais, o valente Batu mergulhará nas profundas águas oceânicas. Profundas.
190108sp BATU, VOLUME 1, ESPANHOL, EDITORIAL SUDAMERICANADiálogoBatu: Una vez más, el valiente Batu se zambullirá en las profundas aguas oceánicas. ¡Profundas!
030108sp BATU, VOLUME 1, ESPANHOL, EDITORIAL SUDAMERICANADiálogoBatu: Batu se prepara para sumergirse en las profundidades del océano. Tiene una difícil misión. Encontrar el tesoro perdido. Una misión imposible, salvo para él. De pronto... Algo brilla en el fondo del mar. ¡Lo encontró!
030108pt BATU, VOLUME 1, PORTUGUÊS, ZARABATANA BOOKSDiálogoBatu: Batu se prepara para submergir nas profundezas do oceano. Tem uma difícil missão. Encontrar o tesouro perdido. Uma missão impossível, exceto para ele. De repente... Algo brilha no fundo do mar. Ele encontrou!
1098sp TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1098, ESPANHOL, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: "1. En la composición del suelo entran del elemenos: arena, arcilla, sustancias, calcáreas y humus. 2. El humus o tierra negra se ha formado con restos de animales o plantas acumulados duran muchísimos años. 3. Los suelos arenosos dejan para el agua con facilidad; son permeables. 4. Los suelos arcillosos no dejan pasar el agua; son impermeables. 5. Los suelos humiferos absorben el agua..."Susanita: "2. El tallo, por lo general, sigue a la raíz, transporta la savia y sostiene las ramas, hojas, flores y frutas. 3. Las hojas son los pulmones de la planta, pues ellas respira. 4. La flor, cuando es completa, tiene parte de pétalos, blancos o coloreados (la corol un conjunto de hojitas verdes (el cáliz). 5. Las flores se transforman en frutos, y en éstos están conter las semillas que, sembradas nuevamente, dará gen a plantas iguales..."Mafalda: "1. El calor del sol evapora (convierte el invisible) el agua de los océanos, mares, rios. 2. El vapor, liviano y caliente, sube hasta enco capas de aire más frio y se convierte en pequeñisia gotitas de agua que forman las nubes. 3. Cuando muchas, muchisimas gotitas, o las nubes encuen capas aún más frías, se forman gotas mayores caen, en forma de lluvia o nieve a la tierra."Manolito: *-@$%&*
PCL107052 (A shipwreck survivor passes by two signs in the middle of the ocean that read: 'Now leaving Indian Ocean' and 'Welcome to South Antlantic Ocean') *** Local Caption *** Henry Martin cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104627 Congested Areas. The Ocean in the Middle Ages *** Local Caption *** "Punch Cartoons on Fairytales, Fantasies"
PCL101196 The Island-Spearer. (General MacArthur spears islands in Oceania on his way to Japan) *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL111005 "Mrs Partington of Potsdam. [""In the winter of 1824 there set in a great flood...; the tide rose to an incredible height; the waves rushed upon the houses; and everything was threatened with destruction. In the midst of this sublime storm Dame Partington, who lived upon the beach, was seen at the door of her house...trundling her mop, squeezing out the sea-water and vigorously pushing away the Atlantic Ocean...The Atlantic was roused; Mrs Partington's spirit was up; but I need not tell you that the contest was unequal. The Atlantic beat Mrs Partlington."" - Sydney Smith.] (Wilhelm II uses the head of Karl I of Austria as a Peace Offensive mop at the end WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL114550 "... Of Things to Come. [The total eclipse of the sun on February 4th will be visible in North-east Asia, the North of Japan, across the Pacific Ocean in a semi-circle passing near the Aleutian Islands and in Alaska.] (the silhouette of General MacArthur moves infront of the Japanese sun to eclipse it)" *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL110006 "Romance and Reality. Beautiful Being (who is all soul). ""How grand, how solemn, dear Frederick, this is! I really think the Ocean is more beautiful under this aspect than under any other!"" Frederick (who has about as much poetry in him as a Codfish. ""Hm - Ah! Yes. Per-waps. By the way, Blanche - There's a fella shwimping. S'pose we ask him if he can get us some pwawns for bweakfast, to-morwaw morning?""" *** Local Caption *** Romance and Reality John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108360 "The Writing on the Clouds. Uncle Sam. ""Say, they've written a skyful!"" [The Select Committee on Sky-writing has recently published a favourable report.] (an Interwar cartoon shows the United States of America looking at the message No More War Debts being beamed abopve Europe across the Atlantic ocean)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL109828 "Skimped a bit on the lifeboats, haven't they." *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL103348 It was just about that Edwin lost a gold pencil last year. *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL101236 The Heiress Falls Overboard. *** Local Caption *** The Heiress Falls Overboard
PCL107611 "Yes, but is there any news of the iceberg." *** Local Caption *** Bill Tidy cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109705 "Steward, one or two of our passengers are looking a little glum. You's better issue a double ration of balloons all round." *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Music from Punch
PCL100511 Trials of a Steward *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by HM Bateman
PCL104223 Front cover of Punch Magazine - Summer Number - 1932 ...Mr Punch swimming in the sea with his Toby dog on a board with the Union Jack attached . Illustration by Frank Reynolds *** Local Caption *** PUNCH Front Cover Cartoons
PCL106314 (Tourists on Easter Island with the giant heads. The man is having his photograph taken buried int he hillside with only head showing) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons about Art
PCL107903 "Well, good-bye, George, and if Uncle James asks you anything about what they said about them and it, you say certainly she didn't, from me."
PCL104394 Don't make a mistake now; we are fraom the big one on the left. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL103836 I always wish I'd gone into the navy. I just revel in the life at sea.
PCL111852 "I bought this fez at Port Said, steward, but I really don't know what to go to the fancy-dress ball as. Have you any ideas? ""Why not button up your collar, sir, and go as Suliman the Magnificent?"""
PCL110241 "Punch (Front cover, 21 February 1962)" *** Local Caption *** Gerald Scarfe Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103156 Land of Opportunity *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL103699 I may not be able to get ashore tomorrow to see Pompeii. There's some talk of holding the final of the deck-billiards. *** Local Caption *** Cultural priorities...
PCL104466 Dialling Tones. FRObisher. *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL100523 Traffic Control on the High Seas. Device for enabling the super-giant liner of the future to get across the channel insafety. *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL114303 "“Actually, I’m standing on a Russian submarine.”" *** Local Caption *** Mike Williams cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101527 The British Character. Importance of exercise. *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL112158 "Getting Used to Us. ""Look at 'em! Now wouldn't you 'ave thought they would all 'ave bin excited an' 'appy at seein' English visiters?""" *** Local Caption *** Happy to see English visitors
PCL108205 "Toll of the Sea. [Dedicated to the memory of the brave men who went down in the Titanic, April 15th.]" *** Local Caption *** Edwardian Cartoons from Punch
PCL101538 The British Character. Imperialism *** Local Caption *** Punch British Character Cartoons
PCL102320 Popular Misconceptions - The English Channel
PCL113996 "“No worries. If it can’t be said in English, it ain’t worth saying at all.”" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about the Cold War from Punch
PCL105376 “Underground atomic tests don’t help either.” *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about the Cold War from Punch
PCL103639 I suppose you've brought me here to tell me you haven't got any money. (a romantic couple under a star lit night) *** Local Caption *** Social cartoons fom Punch magazine by Ken Pyne
PCL101505 The British Character. Love of Keeping Calm. *** Local Caption *** Cartoons from the Inter-War period in Punch
PCL110677 "Official War Artists at Work. I.The Landscape Artist-""Tanks crossing a river."" II. The Sporting Artist-""Raiders at Dawn."" III. The Equatrian Artist-""With the Royal Artillery."" IV. The Problem Picture Artist-""The Coldstream Guards marching through Peterborough."""
PCL104968 Any other man would have built a raft! *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL106348 (The heads of Nikita Khrushchev and John F Kennedy as mythological characters representing winds blowing at the wrecked ship of Cuba) *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about the Cold War from Punch
PCL100316 We've been offered $16 million for the movie-rights if I eat you. *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about Film
PCL110672 "Official War Artists at Work. I.The Landscape Artist-""Tanks crossing a river."" II. The Sporting Artist-""Raiders at Dawn.""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons about Art
PCL100870 The Shipwrecked Ministers Saved by the Great Exhibition Steamer. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106881 (As a tough-looking admiral boards a naval vessel all the rats run off the ship) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Russell Brockbank
PCL113547 "A Secret of the Sea. Passenger. ""Look here, steward, if this is coffee, I want tea; but if this is tea, then I wish for coffee.""" *** Local Caption *** A Secret of the Sea
PCL100464 Underground atomic tests don't help either. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Banx (Jeremy Banks)
PCL100793 The Tug of Peace. (a tug boat renamed Barnum from Oscar II is laden with pacifists captained by Henry Ford and aesthetes playing the harp while an American ship is sunk and a German u-boat captain welcomes their boat during WW1) *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL108512 "The Summer Cruise. This young lady, having studied the essentials from the fashion - purchase a ""shore-going suit - and a ""lounge"" suit - and a ""lounge"" suit for more formal occasions - and a ""swim"" suit - and a ""sports"" suit - not to mention a ""sun-bathing"" suit - and a ""sun-bathing"" suit for more informal occasions - besides, of course, a few simple evening frocks - and finds that she has no money left to buy her ticket." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Lewis Baumer
PCL104163 Good Hunting. A Chip of the Old Block. *** Local Caption *** World War 1 Cartoons by Raven Hill from Punch magazine
PCL109980 "S.O.S. Punch (to Mr. Marconi). ""Many hearts bless you to-day, sir. The world'd debt to you grows fast."" (Mr Punch approaches with the headline Volturno Disaster)"
PCL105057 An Irish Finny-un crossing the broad Atlantic. *** Local Caption *** "Ireland, Irish cartoons from Punch magazine"
PCL101741 Swooping from the West. [It is the intention of our new ally to assist us in the patrolling of the Atlantic.] *** Local Caption *** Swooping from the West Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102253 Punch (A business man with a golden touch. Front cover 12 September 1984) *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Business and Office life from Punch
PCL101330 The Eagle and the Sun *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL108834 "The Murderer. ""Remember, women and children first!""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Communism and Fascism from Punch magazine
PCL108299 "This a ruddy fine game 'olystonin' the decks at one o'clock in the mornini'. ""You ain't got the right way of lookin' at it. I gets a lot of 'appiness by bangin' about an' keepin' passengers awake what's paid a 'undred quid for the outin'.""" *** Local Caption *** Job satisfaction
PCL113650 "A Home from Home. President Wilson (quitting America in his fourteen-League-of-Nations boots). ""It's time I was getting back to a hemisphere where I really am appreciated."" (Wilson strides across the Atlantic from America to Europe after the end of WW1)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL106108 ‘He always believes in going native — native to Cleethorpes’ *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL104717 Can I interest you in one of these? [It has been suggested that both this country and the USA would benefit by a better knowledge of each other's history.] *** Local Caption *** Can I interest you in one of these?
PCL113517 "A Wandering Sprite. (""My first duty will be to journey abroad, not only to go to Washintgton, but also, I think, to Moscow."" Viscount Beaverbrook in the House of Lords.) (Beaverbrook as a fairy carries his diplomatic bag of Production)" *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL104742 But on the other hand they act as a sail. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael ffolkes (Brian Davis)
PCL109371 "The Call for a New Pact. The League of Nations (looking out over the waters that cover M 1). ""If by their death the day is brought nearer when the whole world will agree to abolish submarines, they will not have died in vain.""" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113941 "“Personally, I’d blue my redundancy pay on a world cruise and hope things will have improved by the time I got back.”"
PCL102720 On the Cliff Edge. (The American Eagle appears ready to launch across the Atlantic after shredding the Axis Overtures) *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL104669 Christmas Dinner in the Bay of Biscay. *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL114442 "‘He always believes in going native — native to Cleethorpes’ (a man wears a string vest and handkerchief on his head at the beach while on holiday in Fiji, to the dismay of his wife)" *** Local Caption *** Social cartoons fom Punch magazine by Ken Pyne
PCL113660 "A Great Naval Triumph. German Submarine Officer. ""This ought to make them jealous in the sister service. Belgium saw nothing better than this."" (a commander stands on the deck of his u-boat U666 and smiles as men and women drown after their ship is sunk during WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL100469 Unfair Trade Winds. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL108806 "The New Frightfulness. Admiral Von Tirpitz. ""Piracy is dead. Still, I like to think that, under another name, the good work goes on."" [Berlin contends that, piracy being extinct, the arming of liners and merchant vessels is no longer legitimate, and that German submarines are therefore entitled to sink them at sight. The New Frightfulness is due to begin to-day.]" *** Local Caption *** The New Frightfulness Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103195 Jonathan's Leap *** Local Caption *** Jonathan's Leap
PCL113252 "Apathy. April, 1939. - Grave misgivings of departing traveller at apparent air of unconcern among people of Great Britain. July, 1939. - Traveller returns to find apparent air of unconcern unchanged." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Fougasse (Kenneth Bird)
PCL114527 "...and when you go to sea, I suppose you sit at the captain's table." *** Local Caption *** Norman Mansbridge cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107646 "Worse than sharks, Farrington - wind-surfing soldier ants?" *** Local Caption *** Punch Sport and Leisure Cartoons
PCL110221 "Punch (Front cover, 5 june 1963)" *** Local Caption *** Ed McLachlan Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103381 Isn't it that awful couple we met on the boat? *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael ffolkes (Brian Davis)
PCL106281 (Two sailors looking at a painting in an art gallery titled 'Storm at Sea' are leaning in sympathy with the steep seas depicted) *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106012 ‘Really? Now that does surprise me — I always thought Sellafield was much further south’ *** Local Caption *** Mike Williams cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107439 (A beach scene with a group of seals basking on the shore watched over by a seal lifeguard. A pair of sharks cruise offshore) *** Local Caption *** Mike Williams cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109978 "Sad Results of Persistent Bridge Playing at Sea. Owner. ""I'll 'eave it to you, Partner!""" *** Local Caption *** Edwardian Era Cartoons from Punch
PCL106428 (Racing sailboat heels over and is approached by seagull) *** Local Caption *** "Sport, Leisure and Sailing Cartoons from Punch Magazine"
PCL105790 “He’s terribly shy. It was his turn to take off his shirt.” *** Local Caption *** The shy shipwreck victim
PCL105792 “Hello! We can’t be far from civilisation.” *** Local Caption *** Norman Thelwell cartoons from Punch magazine

Total de Resultados: 222

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