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W59YRN Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK. 20th July 2019. A map of the moon transforms the floor at Lichfield Cathedral to mark the 50th ann
W59YRK Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK. 20th July 2019. A map of the moon transforms the floor at Lichfield Cathedral to mark the 50th ann
W59YRW Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK. 20th July 2019. A map of the moon transforms the floor at Lichfield Cathedral to mark the 50th ann
W59YRE Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK. 20th July 2019. A map of the moon transforms the floor at Lichfield Cathedral to mark the 50th ann
W59YRJ Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK. 20th July 2019. A map of the moon transforms the floor at Lichfield Cathedral to mark the 50th ann
W59YRF Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK. 20th July 2019. A map of the moon transforms the floor at Lichfield Cathedral to mark the 50th ann

Total de Resultados: 6

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