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akg558934 Béjart, Maurice ; danseur et chorégraphe français ; 1927 - 2007. Oeuvre : Ring um den Ring (ballet ; mise-en-scène : P. Godefroid, M. Béjart ; musique : R. Wagner ; 1re Berlin 1990). Première Deuschte Oper Berlin, 7 mars 1990 : Siegfried et le promeneur. Dessin, 1990 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et aquarelle sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg571323 Fo, Dario; ital. Dramatiker, Schauspieler, Regisseur, geb. 1926. Werke:. Bezahlt wird nicht! (Farce; Non si paga, non si paga!; 1974). Aufführung, 28. Berliner Festwochen (Insz.: Roland Schäfer; Darst.: Bruno Dallansky, Renate Steiger u. a.):. / Zeichnung, 1978; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg571651 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von. 1.2.1874 (Wien) - 15.7.1929 (Rodaun). Dichter. Werke: "Jedermann" (1911). - Rollenbilder einer Berliner Aufführung. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571753 Cocteau, Jean ; poète et réalisateur français ; 1889-1963. Oeuvre : Bacchus (1952). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin, 1953 (mise-en-scène : H. Käutner ; comédiens : Johanna Wichmann, Ernst Deutsch, Erich Schellow, Paul Wagner, Harry Wüstenhagen.) : Bacchus. Dessin, 1953 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571723 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim ; critique, poète et philosophe allemand ; 1729-1781. Oeuvre : Nathan le Sage (Nathan der Weise, poème dramatique (1779). - Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1955 (miseen-scène : K. H. Stroux ; comédiens : Ernst Deutsch, Sebastian Fischer, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1955 . de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571577 Gobert, Boy Schauspieler, Regisseur und Theaterleiter; 1925-1986. Boy Gobert in einer Berliner Theateraufführung. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 29,7 x 21 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg572247 Theater / Szenenbilder. Drei Männer. (Szenenbild einer Berliner Theateraufführung.). Zeichnung, undatiert; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571095 Weiss, Peter; écrivain et peintre suédois ; 1916-1982. Oeuvre : L'Instruction (1re Stockholm 1982). 1re représentation de la version all. à la Freie Volksbühne de Berlin, 26 mars 1983 (mise-en-scène : Roberto Ciulli ; comédiens : Hannes Hellmann, Paul Adler, Veronika Bayer, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1983 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571098 Weiss, Peter; écrivain et peintre suédois ; 1916-1982. Oeuvre : L'Instruction (1re Stockholm 1982). 1re représentation de la version all. à la Freie Volksbühne de Berlin, 26 mars 1983 (mise-en-scène : Roberto Ciulli ; comédiens : Hannes Hellmann, Paul Adler, Veronika Bayer, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1983 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571995 Zuckmayer, Carl ; écrivain allemand ; 1896-1977. Oeuvre : Le capitaine de Köpenick (Der Hauptmann von Köpenick, 1931). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin ; 1954 ou 1964 (mise en scène : Boris Barlog) : scène. Dessin, 1954 ou 1964 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,29. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571932 Burg, Lou van; Showmaster. Den Haag. 25.08.1917 - München 26.04.1986. "Lou van Burg". Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571998 Süskind, Patrick ; écrivain et scénariste allemand ; né en 1949. Oeuvre : La Contrebasse (1re Munich 1981). Scène d'une représentation berlinoise. Dessin de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571833 Theatre / Scenes. Woman with birthday cake. (Scene of a theatre production in Berlin.). Drawing, undated, c. 1950, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Pencil on paper, 29.7 × 21 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571868 Schiller, Friedrich von ; 1759-1805. Oeuvre : Wallenstein. Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1957 (miseen-scène : Hans Lietzau ; décor : H. W. Lenneweit ; comédiens : Berta Drews, Walter Franck, Eva-Katharina Schultz, Lu Säuberlich, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1957 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571809 Theater / Szenenbilder. Schlafender Mann im Sessel. (Szenenbild einer Berliner Theateraufführung.). Zeichnung, undatiert; um 1950; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571218 Leigh, Mitch; American composer. born 1928. Works: Man of La Mancha; musical: book: Dale Wasserman, Liedtexte: Joe Darion; UA. 1965. Performed in Berlin, Theater des Westens, 1983: Sancho Pansa (Jörg Schneider) a. o. Drawiing, 1983; by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt pen on paper 21 × 29,7 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg570424 Ibsen, Henrik; norw. Dichter; 1828-1906. Werke: Die Wildente (UA 1885). Aufführung Berlin, Freie Volksbühne, 1979 (Insz.: Rudolf Noelte):. Rollenbilder des Schauspielers Rudolf Platte als Ekdal. Zeichnung, 1979. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg581609 Theater / Szenenbilder. Zwei Männer. (Szenenbild einer Berliner Theateraufführung.). Zeichnung, undatiert, von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg530818 Simon, Neil; American playwright. born 1927. Works: The Sunshine Boys; UA 1972). German premiere in Berlin, at the Schloßpark-Theater, 23rd Dec. 1973 (prod.: Peter Matic): Bernhard Minetti (1905-1998). as Al Lewis. Drawing, 1973, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt pen on paper 21 × 29,7 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg531027 Musil, Robert (Edler von); österreich. Schriftsteller; 1880-1942. Werke: Die Schwärmer (1921). Aufführung Berlin Schloßpark-Theater, 1981 (Insz.: Hans Neuenfels; Darsteller: H. Treusch, E. Schwarz, E. Trissenaar, J. Bliese u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1981, von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.

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